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Good Russia

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Good Russia

I know that I have never been close to you, that you hate me and I don't even know why I think it's because of what I did to the Latinos.

Well in this case it doesn't matter, whatever I have done to you I apologize, I didn't mean to do it and I didn't realize it at the same time I hope that this will reward what I did to you or improve your opinion of me.

You know that your dad and I were friends when we were little, well not only were we two but there was also one more. Does the name Reich sound familiar to you? Of course, a boy who is your father's enemy, right?

Not completely, Reich and he were couples.

Not completely, Reich and he were couples

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They were a beautiful couple, if they got into a fight they always reconciled, I'm sure your father never stopped loving him

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They were a beautiful couple, if they got into a fight they always reconciled, I'm sure your father never stopped loving him. Your father married ---- just because he couldn't forget it, especially because there was a baby involved.

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