Verdi - cramps (trans! dino)

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ppl - dino & vernon
prompt(s) - cramps (trans! dino)

dino's pov.
It's been a rough couple of days to say the least. I've been really moody, and I feel as though I haven't been acting like myself.

Usually when this happens I know it's about to be my period, sadly I still have those, but it hasn't been long enough for my cycle to be done.. so what is it?

Speaking of period, I'm trans. I've known since I was 15 years old, feeling different and uncomfortable within the confines of my own body. I needed to change, so I did. My family and friends accepted me, and luckily I was 'passing' enough to join the group that would save my life, Seventeen.

(Btw if you are trans, no matter what you look like you can pass as anyone you need to be. It doesn't matter if you are society's standard of transgender, you are you, and wherever you are at in your journey, you can and should identify however you and your body see fit.)

In said group is where I found my boyfriend, Vernon.

I told him I was trans and few months into dating him, I waited because I was so scared of what he would think. But he accepted me with that sweet soul of his. Gosh I love him, and I'm so happy that he chose me to love back.


After practice my back was hurting a lot. I don't know why as practice is usually light work for me as I find it more of a hobby than a job to dance and learn new moves, as everyone knows, I love dance.

But this pain was different, not like a strained muscle type of pain, but a "time of the month" kind of achey feeling.

"I don't understand.." I said to myself softly as everyone starts packing up their things to go back to the dorms. "Don't understand what, darling?" I hear my boyfriend say softly. I feel his arms wrap around my waist and his chin rest on my shoulder. I smile until another jolt of pain runs from my lower back to my midsection.

"What's wrong bubba? What was that?" He asked me gently, showing his worry with an underlying tone of concern. "Oh nothing Vernon, my back just hurts a bit that's all.." I say with a half fake smile. I'm return he smiles in sympathy before hugging me once more, resting his hands on my soft hips.

"Do you want me to rub your back before bed? Is it that time of the month?" He whispered in my ear. I snuggle closer to him,"it shouldn't be, that's why I'm confused.. I've been so bitchy and now my back hurts, which are signs of it, but it hasn't been a full cycle yet. They have never been that irregular.." He hums back letting me know he understands my feelings, kissing my cheek before leading me over to our bags.


On the car ride back to the dorms I felt my stomach start to ache. I try to be as discreet as possible when gently rubbing my stomach to try and ease the discomfort.

"Honey, what's up, hm?" Vernon whispers in my ear. We are both sitting in the back of the van, so realistically no one could hear us, but I love how Vernon always took notice of the small things, making sure to be quiet enough so that no one would hear and I wouldn't potentially be embarrassed.

"My stomach is aching.. maybe it is that time." I hum, resting my head on his shoulder while still palming my stomach through my thin t-shirt. "We'll be home soon honey, then I'll help you, ok?" I hum before closing my eyes, cuddling closer to the bundle of heat next to me.


Once we get home Vernon helps me out of the van, leading me to the front door. We get inside and immediately we both make our way to our shared room, closing the door behind us.

"I'm just gonna quickly text cheol to let him know what's happening ok baby? You get changed, if you want," Vernon said gently.

vernon's pov.

I quickly send a text to our leader letting him know what was happening: all of the members know about my boyfriend being trans. Dino told them himself and they are all so supportive.. I love them for it.

I put my phone on the small nightstand and walk over to our shared walk-in closet to get changed, seeing Dino still in there leaning against a shelf with a hand wrapped around his stomach. "Is it bad, baby?" I ask, earning a small nod and whimper in return. I walk over to him and wrap my hands around his slender waist, letting my hands gently move his tightly wrapped arm away from his achy tummy.

I rest my hands under his shirt and rub the area a little bit to try and ease the pain, even a little.

After a few minutes, we get changed. I leave my shirt off while wearing some random sweatpants as my boyfriend puts on one of my hoodies and some basketball shorts. He got top surgery about a year ago and is still a bit embarrassed of the scars, which is understandable due to his body dysmorphia.

I turn off the light in the closet and bring my hands to rest on the backs of his thighs, bending down to pick him up like a koala. He rests his head in the crook of my neck and continues to do so as I gently set us on our bed, leaned up against a pile of pillows in the corner.

"hhmm.." I hear him wine as he wiggles around in my lap a bit. His cramps aren't usually this bad, but I guess his small body is just acting up a bit. Apart of it is probably stress as well as we've been working hard for our comeback. That's probably why his time might be hitting a bit earlier too..

"Shh, it's ok honey.. let's just chill for a bit before doing our skincare and stuff, ok?" Dino nodded before burying his head back into my neck, gently kissing it once.

I smile down at his blond head of hair before bringing my hands to his lower back. I lift up his (my) hoodie and rest my cold hands on his warm skin. I feel him shiver a bit which makes me giggle silently. I let him get used to the feeling and allow my hands to warm up a bit before gently moving my thumbs in circular motions on his soft skin.

"hmm.." he hummed. I smile, "that feels nice, huh baby..?" I feel him give me a small nod in return as I continue trying to help him, again, even if it's just a little bit.


After about half an hour of almost continuous massaging of his lower back, Dino sits up in my lap and quickly stands up, running to the bathroom. Oh honey.. I think to myself while hearing him look around for his box of pads under our sink.

A few minutes later he walks out of the bathroom with a hand on his tummy. "Did it start bubba?" I asked, earning a small nod once more.

I motion for him to lay down with me as I lift myself up and off of the bed, peeling the covers back before laying back down along with Dino. I put one of my hands under his neck to let his head rest of my bicep, giving the soft forehead in front of me a little kiss.

I once more bring my hand under the thick hoodie wrapped around my boyfriend but this time letting my hand rest on his slightly bloated stomach.

I could practically feel the cramps messing him up as he wined and his stomach muscles contracted and tensed. "It's ok honey, relax for me.." I say quickly yet quietly. I start massaging his lower stomach. I knew he had sensitive skin there, as most people do, so it took a few minutes for him to get used to my hands in that area. But no more than 10 minutes after he got comfortable he was out like a light in my arms.

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