Jocheol - chronic migraines

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ppl - joshua & seungcheol
prompt(s) - chronic migraines
a/n - a short one, and kinda shitty 🦛

joshua's pov.
Every one of my members knows that I suffer from chronic migraines. It's also a well known thing within our fandom, everyone always giving me wishes to get better when I'm not able to perform, which is sadly more often than not.

My migraines are like earthquakes but rather than happening on land, they happen in my head. All of my muscles are constantly tense, my head always aches for a few days after the fact, my eyes are always heavy, and of course the almost unbearable amount of pain that they cause me to endure. Sometimes I legit think I can't take it anymore due to their severity.

But luckily I have my members to guide me through them, specifically my boyfriend, seungcheol.


I woke up this morning to an instant wack in the face. I feel the back of my eyes become tight and achey, so much so that I could barely keep them open.

I slowly move my heavy head to check the time on my alarm clock but I couldn't read it, the brightness of the red LED light hurt my head way too much for me to even attempt another go. I groan as I feel a wave of sharp pain run through my skull. Clenching my jaw, I bring my hand up to my forehead and try to massage it a bit but to no avail.

seungcheol's pov.

I wake up to the sound of low groans and small movements. I slowly open my eyes to see the side of my boyfriend's face, but I could barely see the small tears escaping his beautiful eyes.

"Joshuji? You ok honey?" I whisper. I don't receive an answer which makes my anxiety spike. I instantly sit up and open the curtains that are just behind our headboard but I quickly retract them as when I pulled one side and let the light in, Joshua winced and pulled the covers over his eyes. Now I know what's going on..

Once again I close the blind and slowly crawl back next to Joshua under the covers. I slowly peel the duvet off of his head making him wince one more. "Shh, it's ok baby, the blind is closed" I whisper as quietly as I can.

I lay on my side, holding my head up with my strong right arm as I bring my other hand to gently start playing with his hair. I continue the action for a few minutes before I hear my boyfriend moan in pain once more, breaking the silence. "What wrong bubba..?" I ask, again, being as quiet as I can. "It fucking hurts cheol," he said with one breath out.

"I know baby, I know.. I'll help you, one second," I say, quickly as well, before slowly getting off of the bed and going to the kitchen. I announce to the members in the living room that Joshua is having another migraine episode and they all send me back to the room with lovely get well wishes. But first, I grab an ice pack, a cold water bottle, some pain medication and an energy drink for myself.


I get back to the room to be met with Joshua's pain-filled crys which breaks my heart to shreds.

I swiftly close the door before hurrying to his side, instantly putting everything down on the side table beside us. "Ok honey, I got you an ice pack.." I say before setting it gently on his forehead with a soft rag covering it to make sure it's not too cool on his flawless skin.

"I got you some meds as well but you don't need to take them now, ok? Just relax for me bubba.." I say softly. I climb into the bed once more, wrapping my arms around his tense body and bringing his back to rest against my chest. I move one of my hands to gently start massaging his neck and another to rest on his waist.

"Mmmh.." I hear him make a small noise of discomfort as I begin to add a bit more pressure to the base of his head, but from multiple past experiences, we both knew this would help in the long run.

"Just go to sleep bubba.. I'll handle the schedules and the loud noises that keep bothering your pretty head.." I say gently, giving his neck a small kiss before hearing his soft snores once more. My poor baby..

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