Diwoo - bruised tailbone

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ppl - dino & wonwoo
prompt(s) - bruised tailbone

dino's pov.
Everyone knows I love dancing. Dancing is quite literally my favourite thing to do, like, ever.

It's such a beautiful hobby and I feel as though I'm quite good at it, I also love how it makes me feel and how it can impact others in positive, or negative ways.


Today was a big day, it's the day my music video for my first solo is getting filmed. The members decided to tag along which I found to be very sweet of them; I love my hyungs.

Though today was an exiting day it was also a gloomy and rainy one. It was dark, which was good for the music video, but the set was so soaked and slippery even the camera crew were having trouble getting around . I would've thought they would reschedule but I suppose I thought wrong. I mean don't get me wrong, I'm exited, but I wouldn't want to risk anything getting damaged or broken, that includes me and the crew.

But nonetheless we went on with filming, beginning at around 7pm so it was darker and planning to end at around midnight. Tomorrow me and the members had a break from schedules so it doesn't matter if we stay up late tonight anyways.


About half way through our planned filming time, it started raining again, causing us to need to stop filming for about half an hour. Though the members were a bit concerned about continuing..

"Hey, can't we just take another hour off so the ground can dry a bit more? I don't want Dino, or anyone for that matter, to slip or hurt themselves," our leader said in a soft, yet stern tone to the producer and film crew on set.

"Sorry seungcheol, I understand your worry but I'm sure everything will be fine, the ground doesn't seem too bad and we have to get a move on if everyone wants this video to be out in a couple weeks," the producer said, going off to tell the film crew to start setting up cameras once more. I go to sit in wonwoo's lap while he was sitting on one of the benches on set as the small argument went down between the crew and our leader.

wonwoo's pov.

Me and my boyfriend are sitting on one of the set benches patiently waiting for the cameras to be set up. Everything was still damp, let alone wet, so I understood the members worried, hell I'm worried too.

I feel Dino snuggle into my neck and breathe out a shaky breath.

"You doin ok bubba? Tired?" I say gently, earning a nod. He sits up and explains to me in a quiet voice, "I'm also worried, I don't want to hurt myself or have anyone else get hurt. I don't understand why they can't postpone it.." I sigh and nod, kissing his cheek gently before he brings his head back down into my shoulder.

"I know baby, I think it's because the company instructed the film crew to stay on schedule as the last time we got behind it was a nightmare, you remember that?" I say in a playful tone remembering the mass amounts of stress that caused everyone.

He giggles in my arms and hums just as the director calls him to get started on filming once again.

Filming didn't last long though, not long at all after that point.


As Dino dances all of us are cheering him on, as well as the backup dancers, trying to provide some encouragement and praise as he is dancing.

"You're one lucky guy, wonu," Jun whispers to me. I smile and we begin to have a small conversation, but we got interrupted by Woozi running as fast as he could into the filming area.

I immediately stop talking to Jun and turn to face the area where I last saw my boyfriend dancing, now seeing him on the ground with fat tears in his eyes. I run towards him, not caring if I tripped.

I kneel down next to him on the wet ground as he is letting out silent tears and small whines of discomfort. "Hey honey, what happened? Are you ok?" I say as calmly as I can, trying to not make the situation worse. "My back.. help please," he says in a breathy whisper. I nod and get out of the way so that the medics on set could come and collect him. "It's his back, ma'am, he just told me.." She nods to be as a sign of understanding and appreciation and the members guide me out of the way as they bring Dino onto the soft stretcher.

The medics lead us to one of the back rooms in a construction building the manager rented of the recording. In said room was a small leather couch, a vending machine filled with soft drinks, and a table with extra waters and paper towels.

They place Dino on the couch as it was thicker and more plush than the stretcher, trying to keep him laying on his side so his back doesn't get more hurt. "Wonwoo, I understand you and Dino are together, are you able to help me out?" I nod, a bit confused how she knew that, but nonetheless I walk over and take her instructions.

"Ok, thank you, just sit with his legs resting on your thighs, we are going to put a pillow under his hip to ensure he stays in place and doesn't fall back, it will also provide some comfort, well, hopefully," I nod and wait for the medics command to help them lift his lower body carefully.

I hear him start to sob and my heart breaks. Seungkwan steps in, "wonwoo, how about I sit over there and you sit on the ground at his head. I think he would want you to kiss him instead of me," I smile at him, partially at the joke which I know he only said to lighten the mood, and also at his kindness. I nod and I switch so sit at his head, comforting as they lift him up once more.


About 20 minutes later the medics leave to their respective positions on duty as me and the members take watch over Dino. He is still whimpering with a pained expression on his face but we know the injury isn't too bad as the medics told us it was just a badly bruised tailbone.

It would take a while to heal, and he would be in pain, but I will help him through it. "Don't worry baby, you are so damn strong.. the medication they gave us, it will help you a lot. Let's get home so you can take it alright..?" I speak gently into his ear. He opens his bloodshot eyes and nods as I kiss his tear- stained cheek.

"We'll get through this baby.."

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