Part 1 - arival

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"Mum how could you do this to me" i screamed. She was currently in my room packing all my clothes. She was sending me away how could she do that!

"Maybella. We have caught you on countless occasions smoke weed ! This is unacceptable behaviour. You cant be sneaking out of the house to go and smoke it's dangerous and bad! You need to learn how to behave. Melody Academy will help you with that.

My face dropped how could she be sending me away to a place she barely knows anything about ! Its not like im a naughty child, i dont get bad grades, i dont get into fights, all i did was smoke with my friends. Admittedly i probably did smoke a tad to much but even then why couldnt she have sent me away to NA or something, why a stupid bording school.

Im 18 years old. My hair is long wavy and black with red tint. Im 5'8 ik its tall but hey whats wrong with being tall. Atleast i can reach the top shelf.

I started smoking when my dad left. He was an asshole he broke my mum to peaces, she struggled really badly she couldnt get out of bed she lost her job and we had to move in with her sister because we got evicted. Its been 2 years and i have smoked most days ever since. Im not like massivly addicted and i have no intressed in having stronger drugs. I like the simple affect weed has, the way all my dreadfull thoughts fly away and i just think of random shit. Like why do we wash towls if we only use them when we have showered and are clean. Who was the first person to think ooo yeah lets try drink some cow milk or eat a chickens egg. Life is so much colourfull when your high.

"MAYBELLA!" A hand was waving in my face. "Are you listening to me. I told you you need to make sure everything is packed !" My mum was hurrying around so dast i didnt know what we had packed or hadnt.

I noticed my little blue bunny ( his names blueberry) pinnk bear ( poppy ) and my eehoor teddy that i got from disney.

Soon we were all packed and in the car.
The car ride was long an silent. I didnt want to talk to her she was sending me away. I picked up my metal tray the was in my pocked and opened it inside i had some rolling paper and some tabacco. Mum new i smoked cigges, i wouldnt say she was fine with it but she didnt fight me about it. I roll down my window and started smoking.

The drive was probably about 7 hours which ment we had to stop twice at the services. This was my chance i dipped and went to the loo while mum was ordering. Ovcause i packed my weed! With this god awful journey i need to be high to last the rest of it. I went back to my mum and my 20 chicken nuggets and large vanilla milkshake. Yes i am dipping my nuggets in my milkshake dont knock it till you try it !

8 hours later

We pulled up to a missive building with open tinted glass windows with dark wooden beems and black walls! Its looked so moden! It was massive !!!! Bigger than i thought it would be!
I step out of the car and walk up to some gates where two men in uniform stood patiently. "Im bella em my mums sent me her ?"
"Im sorry we know no one of this name please leave the premisses"

"Its Maybella" my mum interupted as she walked up behind me putting one hand on my sholder.
"Ah yes i'll open the gates now, take a left down lubra road and straight down to the end. Go up the set of stairs turn right and thats the reception.  Have lovely day" the tall man smirked as we made our way back to the car.
When we got to the car park i steped out the car and admired the surroundings
Before i could say by to my mum she had already taken my luggage out of the car and was speeding off. WHAT THE FUCK!

I kicked one of my suit cases. How could she just leave me here what a fucking prick i hate her i hate her for this how could she.
"Excuse me" a stern deep voice spoke over my thoughts. "That is not how you speak about someone especially the woman that raised you."
Wait did i say that out loud oh god what am i gonna do now.

This man cant know i didnt mean to say it i must act un bothered. I turn around, my jaw dropped there infront of me stood a 6,5 brunette man who had such lovely vieny hands!
BELLA IGNORE HIM! Focuse. I thought to my self.

"Would you mind your in my way you abonable snow man." I said angrily. Barging past him in efforts to take my luggage and get to my room as quick as possible.

"Do you want to repeat that for me" this time he had bent down and wispered into my ear.
He chuckled at my frozen stance as shivers shot down my spine. He grabbed my suitcase and guided me to the reception.

"Hi im Maybella my mum shipped me off here is there a way you can call me a taxi and get me home this barbarric man is a actually maniac" i proclaimed proudly.

"Ah maybella stone we have heard so much about you" a soft sturn female voice aproached me from behind. "If you would like to fallow me that would be great." She waved at the tall man who had my lugged to come aswell.

Once we had all taken our seats the meeting began.
"So maybella this is a school for disapline you are aware of that fact correct" i nodded in annoyence. " good however im not sure your awear of what type of school we are. This is a BDSM school. It is where you will learn to behave and understand your place. I have read the file your mother filled in and would like to give you the chance to hand over any drugs you have." She placed her hand out as if i was gonna pass them over.

"I used them all in the car, i couldnt get through that awful journey without them." I replied sassily. The tall man shook his head in disappointment which made my tummy turn. But who was i to be affected by this mans thoughts!
" i hope you know if you do not hand them over and they get found you will be in serious trouble.
This is jaxon he is going to be your temporary dom. The trial period lasts 3 weeks at the end of the three weeks we will have another meeting where you decide wether you would like each other peminently." I roll my eyes in fustration.
After some more realllyyyyyyy longggg conversations and me zoning out we could finally leave. Jaxon showed me to my room.

"Its currently 12:45 i will come and get you in 1 hour make sure your ready to leave. We will be having lunch." And then he disappeared.

My room was small it had a bed a wardrobe a small desk and just enough room from a small rug. There was an ensuit to. I started to unpack making sure my teddys where nicely placed onto my bed.

By the time i had finished unpacking it was 1:20. Just enough time for a smoke. I only had a ciggy. I cant have my weed taken before i start the place jeez.

I was spraying my room when the devil walked in. Yes i mean jaxon. Ive barely spoke 2 words to him and i already know hes gonna be hard work.
He looked at me confused and told me we were going for dinner.


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