Part 6 - time off

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As I was waking up I began to toss and turn. This didn't feel like my bed it felt comfier. As I rolled over I realised I was in Jaxon's room.

I sat up instant pain shot to my butt OUCH. Right on my sitting spot, I'm going to have to lye on my stomach till its healed! I went to check my phone but it wasn't there. Huh that makes no sense maybe it was left in a different room. I got up to walk into the lounge.

There Jax sat on the sofa my phone in his hand. Why is he going through my phone.

"Hey" i say trying to sus his mood out.
"Hi Maybella" Right nope he always calls me a pet name something isn't right. He doesn't raise his head he keeps it down staring straight at my phone.

I choose to ignore a moody Jaxon and jump next to him on the sofa. "Soooo you found anything interesting on there seen as your so invested" i say smiling know theres nothing on their.

"Who's my bae🩵🍃" he said still looking down at my phone. I now see that he's looking through me and jaces text messages. I chuckle. He finally looks up at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"What's so funny huh your dating someone and didn't tell me how is that something to be giggling about" he said now pushing me of his lap and standing up.

"That's Jace he's my friend, you know the one I was on the phone to a couple days back before you robbed it out my hand. I use to do weed with him and my other mates every night and sometimes we had a hook up but honestly we were only friends nothing more i swear" i say pulling my legs together so im sat on the sofa comfortably.

He looked at me embarrassed. His eyes go soft. I only slept for 1.5 hours. He must have been sat their for just as long overthinking and stressing.

"Come here lets cuddle you stress to much" I say as I reach my hands out for him to come to me. He does and we sit together watching a show, I don't really know what its about as i spend most the time with my head on his lap looking up and admiring him. This is one of those times where I forgot all the bad moments in my life my broken trust drifts away all my problems evaporate all my fears wash away. I trust him completely In this moment, and I don't want it to end.

Later that day Jaxon had aranged a little meal for us. Just the two of us!

We drove around an hour to this little hut like building with open windows and glass doors that looked out apon a beautiful blue sea, where the sea life blossomed in all its glorry.

It was so romantic there was rose pettals and candles that lit up the room. And in the middle was a table with a white cloth. I know it sounds cheesy like a courny rom com movie where the bad boy gets the innocenet girl n takes her to dinner. But seriously i did not know that jaxon was such a romantic.

He walked up to a chair and pulled it out. Gesturing for me to take a seat. I gently sat down and winced as the pain in my butt rushed back. I back up to greet his dreamy brown eyes.

"Thank you jax" i stuttered.
"Its okay princess. Now lets have a toast" he said as he sat oposite me.
We raised our prosecco filled glasses.
"To fresh starts, new begginings, and a better understanding!" Stated jax proundly.
"And to not jumping to conclusions" i said cheekily. His eyebrow rose and my cheeks turned a lovely shade of crimson red.

"i really am sorry about that" he sollumly said for The sixth time with his head hung in shame.
"Its okay I understand and we've both learnt our lesson now so we can move on" i reached out to place my hand on his as he looked up and smiled faintly.

We both finished our meals and where simply talking about our future past and present life. Our ambitions, goals and regrets. Our embarrassing, comeedic and best memorys. Spilling detail after detail of our lives to each other.

Suddenly jax reached into his pocket and pulled out a box. It looked to be a jewlerry box but i wasnt sure. You see my parents werent exactly generous in the gift department. Dont get me wrong we would get a present at christmas or birthdays but it was only like a brush or a cheap £5 pair of shoes from the local charity shop. It was a time of year to excuse as a necessity top up. I was never ungrateful. Never complained or asked for more. But sometimes i dreampt of a life slightly different.

There in front of me was a plain white box with a l that letters that spelt pandora on the side. I looked up unsure. Jax simply nodded so i reached for the unfamiliar box and began to open it.
What could it be?

Inside was the most stunning necklace i had ever seen. It was a gold heart laced with diamonds that wrapped live ivy. A smile stretched across my face reaching from ear to ear.

"OMG! Are you serious. This looks expensive you shouldnt have bought this. A-are you sure." I said suddenly regret started to set in. You ungratefull bastard what are you doing you shouldnt take expenisve things your not worth it.

Dark thoughts began to flud my mind as panic flew through my body.

I dropped the box on the table and ran out the door, staight down the sand towards the sea.

Why did i do that?
It was so stupid
I cant take gifts like that from people
Im not worth it
He didnt mean it
He wants it back
He was testing me
Hes gonna beat me for this
Im in so much trouble.

Thought after thought infultrated my mind as i struggled for oxygen. My heart pounding out my chest.

My face was sodden with tears. the world seemed so distant. I could only feel the pain in my chest growing and the developing dizziness that crept across me.

Suddenly i felt a hand reach down to my sholder as i was hugging my knees and rocking my self.

"Hey babygirl" a soft voice whispered in my ear.
"Ur okay gummy bear" gummy bear? Gummy bear? D did i just get called gummy bear.




It cant be!  How could this happen!!! When? Why? No no no no.

It wasnt jax, i knew exactly who it was !

It cant be him! Of all people him!

The panic swept over me like a hurricane on a stormy cliff distroying all of my hopes, my dreams. Taking away all my safety! Swallowing up my comfort surroundings and safe arms.

I was just getting clean... clean of the cuts, the drugs, the drinking. I was getting better!

Now HES back!

I thought i was free of him i thought the ropes had gone i thought the pain amd suffering was finally over !

Now i know its not! Its all going to come back.
Jaxon cant save me now if he is back no one can save me!

I will be his slave for life!


sorry guys for my slow posts, i am currently writing some more chapters but have gotta lot to juggle. i have updated and edited the past couple of chapters as some of the wording didn't make much sense. thanks for your patients. love useeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


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