Part 3 - rules

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"Sit at the table please" he said softly wow he used manners thats different normally he just demands demands demands.
I obliged. On the table was a sheet of paper with the title rules. Another punishments and last one boundrys.

" i would like you to right on the boundrys paper what you would like your safe word to be. It can be anything that you wouldnt usually say in a sene"

I think for a little while and decide on pear.
"Now i would like you to read out your punishments"


1 - Be honest
2 - no swearing
3 - can smoke cigges once every two days and can only smoke weed once a month aslong as you arent getting over 100 Fs in a week.
4 - Be respctful
5 - keep good hygiene
6 - tell me when you have broken a rule
7 - when little always adress me as daddy when big adress me as sir or daddy. Any other doms and teachers should be adressed as ma'am/sir.
8 - work done in time and done neatly
9 - no shouting, punshing, pinching,hitting, slapping or violence of any kind
10 - do what you are told first time no questions
11 - bedtime is 8 if little and 10 if big
12 - ask permisson to leave the food table, to have treats and to go out.
13 - verbal answers ending with sir/daddy
14 - no rolling eyes
15 - addmist when a rule is broken and dont run from punishments

"Is that fair"
"I think so apart from the weed bit can i have it more often imma get real cranky if i dont."
"Depends on behaviour if you get over 250As in a week you may have it at the end of that week"
"Still unfair ! But whatever"
He smiled sweetly but warningly at me.
"Next punishments read them out for me"

- spanking.
- grounding
- timeout
- early bedtime
- soap
- removal of As
-removal of phone

"They are none negotiable. Next its boundrys i want you to write yes and no to each thing"

Bondage - yes
Public humiliation- yes
Degrading - yes
This went on for another 20 things.

"Okay now i will take the boundrys and you keep the rules okay" he looked at me sturnly.
"Yeah" his eyebrows furrowed as he looked at me with warning.

"Yes sir" i looked down at the growend and rolled my eyes.
He grabbed my chin. "These rules are put in place to keep you safe they are there to help you not hurt you. Youll be okay its not as bad as you think, you soon realise that you enjoy it" he comforts me and pulls me onto his lap.
"I informed the head mistress about you going little last night she has put you as a little on the system. I look confused what does he mean.
"What do you mean a little?"

"Remember last night your brain got all muddled and you spoke like a younge child" i nod. "Well thats what we call a little. Flower is one two"
"What is it though" i question

"Its when your brain regresses so that you can proccess and have less stress its basically a trauma response."

Oh god! This cant be good why do i do this its so wierd.
"Its not wierd princess its cute. Its your way of coping just like mine is to look after littles and subs." His voice is warm and soothing. Hes changed so much from yesterday. "When you are in little space we wont do any sexual activitys as this is ur safe place for you to regress, you may find you wake up little some days or slip when your stressed or worried and maybe after or during a punishment. You are safe in that headspace just make sure you communicate and let me know the age your feeling."

"Now should we- ". He was inderupted by my phone ringing. I word sorry as i answer the call.

"HEY BABE!" Jace shouts down the phone.
Me: Heyyyy
Jace: so that stuff we tryed last night was wicked you missed out !! Joe went jumping of that cliff into the sea. Rue went topless and i mean tits out ! And jay went stark naked. Think we shoulda had a gang bang" he chuckled.
Me: omg !!! No they didnt thats aceee if id a been there i woulda gone in my birthday suit too

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