Momo x Male Reader: The Genius Society

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[Pan here and the next game is Honkai: Star Rail. I love this game but I hope it loves me back by giving me luck on the dreaded gacha.]

[Question of the one-shot: Who is your favorite HSR character?]

[Final note, I didn't imply what their path and element would be gameplay wise but if you're interested in my headcanon, Y/n would be a Quantum-type Nihility path while Momo would be a Imaginary-type Harmony character. Yes, in the story they follow the path of Erudition but HSR has shown many times that lore and gameplay path is different with examples like JY being The Hunt in lore but Erudition in gameplay or Bronya being Preservation in lore but Harmony in gameplay.]

Nous, the Aeon of Erudition, those who follow Nous are known to be smart, collected, and will do everything in the name of knowledge. In this universe a certain space station does it all for the path of Erudition.

In the Herta Space Station (HSS), Herta has four reliable people who manage the HSS with the assistance of her robot puppets. Asta, the head researcher of the HSS, by nature she is Herta's right hand man, a rich, smart woman who splurges a bit too much of her money from time to time. Second is Arlan, the head of the security of the HSS, the man you can trust whenever there's an attack on the HSS, also the man you can trust to make Asta stop spending all of her money. These two are very much permanent members of the HSS and have been Herta's most reliable members.

However, two people are staying in the HSS for other purposes. Enter Y/n L/n, Genius Society member #XX and Momo Hirai, Genius Society member #XY. Two newest additions to the Genius Society, Y/n and Momo have been doing their latest research in the HSS to which Herta agreed and let them in with open arms.

Y/n, a researcher that has come to fame after his research on weaponry, he works on his research at the Seclusion Zone of the HSS, meaning not everyone gets to see him. After the incident with Ruan Mei's creation, he has used the site to test out the weapons he was making. Keeping his research a secret is a top priority for Herta and the others, Y/n's research on the wrong hands can be devastating.

Momo, a researcher that became popular due to her very unique studies. She researches primarily on food! Momo loved food ever since she was a child, so it was obvious that her study is about food and the like! She does her research at the main laboratories where everyone can talk to her. She often goes down to the Seclusion Zone to bring Y/n some food however.

Herta, Y/n, and Momo are all members of the Genius Society and are all enlightened by the path of Erudition.

~Day 25 in the HSS~

It was again a normal day for Y/n, his only company being the semi-cat semi-cake creatures left by Ruan Mei. Y/n was deprived of human interaction, the Herta puppets just didn't quite fit the bill as a so-called human interaction.

"Y/n! Lunch is here!" A voice shouted as the automated door opened, Y/n looked behind him and saw Momo with a bag. Oh how Y/n loved Momo's small visits. Y/n always has a liking for Momo, only being older by year from her, he thinks that she's pretty cute and also has shown interest in her studies from time to time.

"Thank you, Momo. You can leave it at the table right there." Y/n said as Momo obliged. Y/n's gaze returned to the table where his paperwork resides.

As Y/n was writing, he felt a strong stare looking at him, he looked at his side and saw Momo who was staring intently at him, such a cute stare.

"Momo, y'know my research is top secret, right?" Y/n asked as he hid his papers using his hand, blocking Momo's view from the blueprints.

"As firm followers of Nous, the Aeon of Erudition, we must always be ones to spread knowledge on to the world." Momo countered.

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