Dahyun x Male Reader: What Is Love?

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[Pan here! No in-game universe for today's one-shot. Just an idea I had that I wanted to write something about so it is a bit shorter than my usual works. As for why I picked Dahyun, I dunno. I just felt the plot suited her.]

"Y/n! How many times do I have to tell you to put your dirty clothes in the proper place?" Dahyun complained as her husband, Y/n, just got back home after work, a bit late however as he needed to do overtime.

"But Yuna here wanted to play!" Y/n said as he raised their youngest daughter up and down, to the baby's amusement.

"Aish, whatever, I'm going to sleep. And please avoid having to do overtime at work. Dinner's ready for you on the table." Dahyun groaned and went upstairs, seemingly angry at Y/n.

"Hey, Love! Are you angry?" Y/n asked but was met with no response. He put down Yuna on the couch and sighed.

"After I eat, you also need to sleep, alright?" Y/n said as he carried Yuna and ate at the dining room. After that, he put Yuna to sleep and brushed his teeth.

He went to his and Dahyun's bedroom to see Dahyun already laying down with the lights turned off. Y/n lied down beside her although she was facing the other side.

"Are you still angry at me?" He asked, again no response.

"I've always wondered what love really was. Was it really the things I've seen in romance movies? Is love just something as simple as having butterflies on your stomach?

I've always loved the idea that love is all about being happy, about being on cloud nine all the time. It was a nice thought to ponder about. But sadly, or maybe even thankfully, I was so wrong on so many levels.

I remember the first time we met, Kim Dahyun. We were both college freshmen. You wanted to become a teacher while I wanted to become an engineer working on a ship.

I fell in love at first sight. It was my first time falling head over heels for someone. Someone who was so beautiful, someone who was so energetic, someone who gave me the feels.

We started off fine, I'd be lying if I weren't gonna credit Chaeyoung for being the best wingman ever for setting me up with you. Eventually, you also liked me back and our journey as one started.

It was the best years of my life. Me reminiscing about our college years always has me in a trance. A trance so enchanting and alluring, because I know it was the happiest day of my life.

A year with you felt like a lifetime. Every day I woke up thanking the heavens that they sent you to me.

I remember that when I was drunk, you helped walk even though I was heavier than you. When I was stressed on my thesis, you were always there to give me my cup of coffee. When I was sick you were always there to cook me food and give me my medicine. When I was a bad boyfriend, you never left, instead you loved me even more.

But all those times were also the start of my realization that love wasn't always fun. Instead, love is all about pain and getting through it.

Oh, Dahyun, where do I begin? When you had your job training and had to leave university for a few months I was so devastated. You even got busier than usual and as a result we didn't have the time to hang out with each other anymore. Yes, we lived together but you were always busy with the material you had for your students, oh it was a pain.

What Is Love: TWICE x Male Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now