1 ♡ a kiss

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a kiss


Today was an important day for Minho. At least, it was supposed to be exciting and fun for him, but his smile wasn't real and he only wanted to leave the ballroom as soon as he had the chance.

The crown on his head felt even heavier than usually and it was so hot under his suit that he just wanted to rip it off. But that would not only be inappropriate for a prince, it would also ruin the beautiful fabric, that had been carefully chosen by one of the best designers of the country.

Minho felt small in the middle of the room, because too many people were here. It almost felt as if he was drowning in the crowd, when in reality everyone was here because of him. Today was his birthday and he wished it wasn't.

All those people were here for him, they were important people, some even came from other countries to celebrate Minho's birthday, but he knew in reality they didn't care about him. The guests only wanted to be part of an event at the palace, to be able to tell everyone they had been here. Minho didn't even know most of them.

Only here and there, he recognized faces, but he didn't want to talk to any of them. Unfortunately, as the next king, he had to be polite and try his best to welcome every single guest.

"Thank you very much." Minho smiled widely, as a man, he didn't know, placed a present for him on a table at the entrance.

The small box probably contained something expensive, something that Minho didn't need, that he would never use. It was always like that, which was only one of the many reasons why he hated his birthday.

"Soon you'll be the king." The man tried to start a conversation and Minho suppressed the urge to roll his eyes. Why did everyone have to remind him?

"I still have a few years to learn, so that I can make our country an even better place." He didn't mean a word of what he was saying. He didn't want to be the king and he didn't know when he would become the king either.

His smile didn't once fade and his posture remained straight. No one would have ever thought that he was feeling uncomfortable, talking to the man.

Luckily, before he could respond, Minho's mother appeared beside them. Her smile was warm, she looked so trustworthy, like a person who could comfort you, no matter what happened. Minho knew, she was only wearing a mask as well to hide her emotions, even though she would never admit that.

"I am very sorry to interrupt you, but I have to talk to you for a moment." His mother pulled him away from the man and Minho sighed, once they were a bit farther away from people.

"When does this end?" He asked, only wanting to leave.

The queen looked like she would scold Minho, if they were alone. How could he even ask this question, when he was supposed to enjoy the event, that had been planned over weeks for him.

"When the last guest decides to leave." She answered, her voice now stern and now comforting anymore. "Which women did you dance with already?" She changed the topic.

Really? This was why she had wanted to talk to him? This time, he didn't hold himself back when he wanted to roll his eyes. Still, he knew he had to answer her. "I danced with a princess, I think her name was Choi Lia, then with the daughter of that important doctor, Kim Minjeong and I really don't know who she is, but her name was Yunjin." He didn't care either.

All three of them had been very friendly, he hadn't minded dancing with them, but he simply didn't want to find a girlfriend. Of course, they were beautiful and cute as well, they had been shy and Minho had asked them a lot of questions and listened to their stories, but he didn't see the need in remembering all of that, when he probably wouldn't talk to them again.

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