10 ♡ rumors

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They had been in the car for a while already, Jisung was quietly singing along to a few songs and Minho glanced over to him every now and then. He adored how cute Jisung looked, the hood of his sweater pulled onto his head.

Both of them weren't nervous anymore, the only feeling remaining in their chest was the excitement. Even though neither of them could realize that they were actually free now, they felt a lot calmer than when they were together in the palace. No one could catch them here.

Minho was looking forward to seeing his cousin again and meeting his husband and now that they were on their way to the small city, Minho couldn't stop smiling. He couldn't realize the moment they had dreamed of for such a long time, was finally here.

Sure, they would probably face a lot of problems, but they would be together for the rest of their lives. It would all be worth it. If their parents wouldn't want to talk to them anymore, if they would have to move to a different country, it would all be worth it.

The only thing that worried Minho was, that he was the only child of his parents, meaning no one else was there to get on the throne next. But he was curious to see how his parents would solve that problem.

"When do you think they'll notice that we're missing?" Jisung mumbled, grinning. He started liking this more and more. It was exciting to finally do something that he truly wanted. He wasn't doing it for his parents or for his country. He was doing it for himself.

"Probably when everyone wakes up." Having breakfast with important guests, was usual, so everyone would be suspicious if they didn't show up. They would look for them and find out, that not only the two princes, but also all of their stuff was missing.

"And do you think they will know we ran away or will they think something happened to us?" Jisung continued to wonder, imagining their faces when they saw their empty rooms.

He had often wondered if his parents would miss him if he was gone. Would they miss him as their son or would they be upset that he couldn't take the throne anymore?

"I think they'll find out eventually, but they won't find us to force us to come back." Minho's hand rested on Jisung's lap, holding his hand.

"Right." Jisung whispered and after that, it was quiet again.

Since it was so early in the morning and neither of them had slept a lot, both of them were tired, but Minho pushed that feeling to the side, to continue focusing on the street, even though there weren't many people outside anyway.

It was a comfortable silence, the space of the car not having to be filled with words. Like this, they continued driving. Jisung tried to stay awake, playing with Minho's fingers, to distract himself from how tired he was.

"I think I will only miss my sister." Jisung suddenly said, sighing.

Minho didn't know what it was like to have a sibling that he could love and miss in such a situation, but he knew Jisung loved his sister a lot. "It's not like you'll never speak to her again. In a few weeks, maybe, when the situation has calmed down, you can contact her."

"I just hope she won't be mad at me." Jisung looked outside the window, even though everything was black outside. He wondered if they would arrive before the sun went up.

"There's no reason for her to be mad at you. You left because you want to be happy. She already found her happiness in that prince. It's easier for her."

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