11 ♡ doubts

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Jisung knew he was dreaming. It had to be a dream, there was no way all of this was real. He was still lying in his shared bed with Minho, at Chan's and Felix's house. Minho was sleeping next to him, but Jisung didn't understand how he didn't wake up from the screaming somewhere else in the house.

It was Chan screaming and Jisung noticed he had never heard him raise his voice before. He was usually so calm and nice, trying to solve conflicts by talking. So it just again, proved that Jisung was dreaming.

But it felt way too real. He wanted it to stop, he wanted to wake up and hug Minho. But in this dream, he couldn't move. He wanted to know why Chan sounded so angry and who he was screaming at.

Was it Felix? But he had never once heard them argue the past few weeks he had lived here. Then Jisung heard a voice that he hadn't heard in weeks.

It sounded weird, as if his brain couldn't recreate the voice perfectly anymore because he hadn't seen his father all these weeks. He had also avoided watching any news, he hadn't once read an article or watched a video about their situation. Felix and Chan had told them that nothing important had happened.

So why was Jisung's father here then?

Then Jisung remembered, this was just a dream. He told himself over and over again that none of this was real.

It wasn't real, that his father opened the door to his bedroom, looking furious, while Chan followed him, still trying to tell him to leave his house.

Jisung could barely hear his voice, even though he was closer now and he still seemed to scream at Jisung's father. He couldn't move, he was simply frozen, holding onto Minho's hand tightly, while he had to endure his father's disappointed gaze.

"Why are you here with him?" He asked, pointing at Minho, who was still peacefully sleeping next to him.

Jisung couldn't answer, he couldn't talk and he still couldn't move when his father tried to pull him out of the bed. He tried to do anything, but he could only hold onto Minho's hand tighter, while his father continued pulling him away from Minho.

He wanted to scream, to beg to stay here. But as he felt Minho's hand slowly slip from his own, he could only let hot tears roll down his face and sob.

His hand left Minho's completely and he had to follow his father out of the room, through the house, until they reached the door. He didn't want to leave, he didn't want to go with his father, he wanted to stay here. He felt at home here, he felt like he had a real family here.

Chan had followed them the whole way, trying to convince Jisung's father to let him stay here. But his father didn't seem to hear him. He also didn't seem to see Felix, who tried to keep the door closed, so that he couldn't take Jisung with him.

It all didn't work. His father always got what he wanted and this time he wanted Jisung to be the king.

"Fuck." Jisung whispered, almost hysterically, when he finally opened his eyes. He could feel the tears on his skin and he was breathing heavily. He was clinging onto Minho's hand and his whole body was shaking.

For a moment, he just lay there, trying to calm down, but it just didn't work. He thought about waking Minho up, but he didn't want Minho to worry about him.

So he decided to get up quietly, pressing a kiss onto Minho's forehead, before walking out of the room. He walked through the house and shivered when he remembered the nightmare and walking this exact way with his father.

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