6 ♡ forced love

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forced love


Even if Jisung was just talking to Minho over the phone, hearing his voice was calming. No matter how stressed he was or how many worries he had, as soon as he heard Minho talk, it all faded away.

"So how was your day so far?" Minho asked, loving to see the smile appear on his boyfriend's face.

"It was okay, I had to dance a lot. My dance teacher hates me, I swear she'll kill me one day."

Minho only laughed at those words. He remembered seeing Jisung during one of those dance lessons and he knew that Jisung was good at dancing, but only if he wanted to. And apparently, he didn't want to dance with his teacher.

"Then I showered." He continued, running a hand through his still slightly wet hair. "And I think I will just read a bit later. I don't have anything else to do today."

Jisung was glad that he finally had a bit of time for himself. The past few weeks had been quite stressful and he had always been busy. Still, he had always made time to talk to Minho, even if that meant he fell asleep during their call.

"Maybe you should sleep instead, you look tired, love." Minho commented, wishing he could reach out to softly caress Jisung's cheek and press a gentle kiss onto the tip of his nose.

"You're right, I probably should." Jisung sighed, lying back on his bed and staring at the door for a moment.

As if he had known, there was a knock on the door. Minho raised a brow, wondering who was interrupting them and Jisung quickly hid his phone as if he had done something wrong, when the door opened and a servant came in.

The man bowed, before speaking. "You are expected in the library." His voice was monotone and boring, but Jisung couldn't focus on that.

Why did someone want to talk to him so suddenly?

"What happened?" He asked, confused and kind of worried.

"Your mother wants to talk to you, but I'm afraid, I don't know the reason."

"Okay." Jisung answered and that was the servant's cue to leave the room. Quickly Jisung looked at his phone again, to see that Minho looked curious.

"Why do you think your mother wants to talk to you?" Minho had heard the conversation and he already had a feeling that something not very great would happen.

"I really don't know." Jisung thought about everything that had happened today, but he couldn't find a reason why his mother wanted to talk to him. It felt like this was a serious topic. "But I'm scared to let her wait."

"We'll talk again tomorrow, then. Don't worry too much, I'm sure it will be fine." Minho smiled at Jisung and the younger just had to believe him. He was right, everything would be fine.

"I'll text you then."

After he had hung up, Jisung hurried to the library and on the way there, his thoughts were spinning. What did his mother want so suddenly?

Nervously, he pushed the doors to the library open. It was so beautiful here and Jisung usually loved spending his free time on a couch here, reading as many books as he could.

The shelves where so high that there were ladders to reach the books at the top and there were hundreds of them. There were even stairs, that lead to an upper part with even more books that Jisung wanted to read one day. The sun was shining into the room through the large windows, from which you could see how high up the room actually was. He could almost see the whole forest from there.

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