9 ♡ secret ideas

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secret ideas


Minho was rushing down the stairs, just as he heard the door to the palace open. He reached the entrance in time to see their guests walk into the building. His parents were standing there already, giving him a scolding look for being late.

The guests hadn't noticed it, though and Minho bowed, when the first two people walked inside. "Minho, I haven't seen you in a long time." Jisung's mother said, smiling warmly. "Jisung will be here soon as well."

Just as she was saying this, the door of a car opened and Jisung got out. Their eyes locked and even though Jisung looked exhausted, he managed to smile. Then, he walkde to the side, giving Amy enough space to climb out of the car as well.

As Minho saw her, his smile faded instantly. He remembered her kissing Jisung a few days ago, after he had proposed to her and the flames of anger burned inside of him again. Quickly, he caught himself and put on a polite smile as well, before someone could notice his angry gaze directed at Amy.

Jisung walked next to Amy, who took careful steps in her high heels, even though he would have loved to be closer to Minho. When he finally reached his boyfriend, they bowed to each other.

"She wasn't supposed to come with us. It was a spontaneous decision." Jisung whispered, as his hand brushed Minho's.

Minho could only nod, as Jisung already walked to stand next to his parents. He bowed to Amy as well and she only walked past him to intertwine her fingers with Jisung's.

Jisung looked like he wanted to let go of her hand immediately. His brow was raised because of how disrespectful she had already been to Minho, despite only being here for a minute. Jisung's parents looked surprised by her behavior as well, but no one commented on it.

"We're so happy to have you here." Minho's mother started, as the doors were being closed again.

"I am very sorry, that this visit is so spontaneous." Jisung's father apologized.

That was true, they decided that they needed to have an important meeting two days ago. And until now, Minho hadn't even known that Amy would be here as well.

Minho hadn't expected to see Jisung so soon after the proposal, but he was glad to have him here now. He wasn't able to calm him down through the phone after the whole situation and now he was glad that he would be able to hug Jisung at least.

They didn't know how long they were staying, but Minho was thankful for every second that he would be close to Jisung.

"Minho, how about you show Jisung and Amy around? I'm sure they would like to see more of our palace." The queen said, expecting everyone to agree, but Amy didn't seem to like that idea.

"Thank you for that opportunity, but I'm very tired from the flight. I want to go to my room."

Minho's mother was obviously taken aback from Amy's words, but she only smiled and nodded. Jisung's parents had to force themselves to smile as well. No one understood why she was talking in such a rude tone, when they offered her opportunities others could only dream of.

Jisung and Minho looked at each other for a moment, sharing a knowing look. If Amy didn't want to come with them, they could spend some time alone.

"Yes, of course. You can rest then, while Minho shows Jisung around." She looked at her son and Minho nodded.

Before they left, Minho bowed to Jisung's parents. "I hope you have a pleasant stay."

They walked in the opposite direction of their parents, who were probably going to the garden to talk. Minho looked around the hallway to make sure no one was here and as soon as they couldn't see their parents anymore, Minho pushed Jisung against the wall.

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