3 ♡ promises

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It was horrible, not being able to see each other in person for almost a full year. But it only felt better now, to see Minho among the other people in the room. Not wanting to waste any more time, Jisung walked up to him, making sure no one could see that he was taking his hand into his own.

He had missed him so much, he could cry because he was only a few minutes away from being able to wrap his arms around him. Jisung wanted nothing more than to be held by him.

They were at a christmas ball, that had been organized by both of their parents, to celebrate that their countries were working together.

Minho hated events like this, yet he wished they would take place more often, so that he could see Jisung. "Come with me." Minho whispered, trying to look as normal as possible, as he walked out of the room, followed by Jisung.

Until they were in the garden, on the way to the bench, where they had shared their first kiss, neither of them said anything. They didn't dare opening their mouth, when they couldn't be completely sure that no one was there.

"I missed you so much." Jisung quickly caught the tear, before it could fall down onto his cheek. He didn't want to seem weak, but he could see that Minho's own eyes were glistening with tears as well.

"I missed you too, love."

When they hugged, their worlds felt complete again. As if they had never been separated, they clung onto each other.

"We don't have much time." Jisung whispered, but he felt so comforted, when Minho only held him closer.

"I know, but we'll make the most of our time. As always." Softly, they swayed from one side to the other, pulling away slightly, to look at each other.

As if they had to remind themselves, that they were really seeing each other, they observed the other. They were strangely calm, even though both of their hearts were beating fast.

Then Minho remembered something he had bought a while ago. "I have something for you." He watched how Jisung's eyes widened and he excitedly pulled away completely.

"What is it?" Usually, he didn't care about presents. He didn't need the things, that people bought him and he never wanted them either. Anything he really wanted or needed, he could buy himself.

Now it was different, because it was a present from Minho and Jisung knew that he had carefully chosen something, that would have a meaning. Something, that Jisung would be able to look at and remember him.

Fumbling with something inside of his pocket, Minho began speaking. "Jisung, I love you so much. I don't even know how to describe my feelings for you. I already promised that one day, we won't have to hide anymore. I want to give you something to remind you of my promise."

Taking out a small box, Minho nervously held onto Jisung's hand. When he opened the box, Jisung's lips parted and he let out a surprised sound.

In awe, he observed the two beautiful rings inside of the box. He had never owned a ring, because he was expected to only wear his wedding ring when he was older, but secretly, Jisung had wanted to have one for such a long time already.

These rings were simple and yet they already meant so much to him, they were so important to him already.

"I know we won't be able to wear them, but this is a promise. One day, we will be able to show everyone how much we love each other. And every time we look at those rings, we can remember that we can do anything together."

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