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MAKEUP  ( imsg, irl )

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( imsg, irl )

ⁱᵐˢᵍ !

scarlett - scarlett
mom - scarlett's mother

mom :
Are you woke yet?

scarlett :
yes mom
why ?

mom :
I was wondering, would you like to go out and have
brunch with me today? It is a saturday, and I would love to spend
some quality time with my daughter.

scarlett :
ofcourse mom :)
but why'd you text me ? aren't you next door ?

mom :
I am next door to you, my lovely daughter.
But if I am not going to use technology, then what would it be useful for?

  you took a screenshot of the chat.

scarlett :
you're so dramatic mom
i love you

mom :
I love you more, my adoring daughter!

ⁱʳˡ !

scarlett chuckles at her and her mother's shared chats before releasing a warm sigh, unraveling from her soft, cotton blanket and turning to her personal restroom.
scarlett loved her mom more than anything — ofcourse, she adored her father, but her mother was always number one. meaning: scarlett didn't have many close relationships. although, the girl did have a bestfriend that she loved as if she was one of scarlett's own; vienna.

vienna was just awesome. she helped scarlett with anything she needed. she was one of the most trust worthy people scarlett knew; and, she loved that about her. vienna's dressing sense was also something that absolutely fascinated scarlett. the girl still remembers and holds onto the memory of that one day when it was students and teachers switch role day, and vienna dressed in an actual poop emoji costume. scarlett found that hilarious.

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