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𝐌𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐔𝐏( irl, imsg )

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( irl, imsg )

ⁱʳˡ !

bright and early in the morning, with the sun's vivid rays shining through the transparent glass window located in scarletts room, the girl groans as her ears fill with the noise of her alarm ringing.

she mentally curses her phone alarm for waking her up but then again, that's its job.

it was 5:30 AM and school starts at 7:40 AM for scarlett; so, she has to be there for the attendance registration at approximately 7:38.

scarlett usually gets picked up by her boyfriend, jackson — or, she has to take the bus.

honestly, scarlett loved the bus. it was always so peaceful. listening to downloaded playlists with her airpods in, while looking out the window at all the trees and rundown apartments getting manufactured — it was just her perfect cup of tea.

scarlett gets dressed in a burgundy hoodie with black parachute pants as bottoms. simple, just as scarlett prefers. although, scarlett's apparent soulmate, jackson, describes her dressing style as 'insufferable'.

the girl admires her outfit in the mirror, thinking about what jackson may think of her outfit.

suddenly, a thought pops in her head — shit, i forgot to text him and ask him he's picking me up..

the girl swings out her iphone 13 from the pocket located in the middle of her hoodie.

ⁱᵐˢᵍ !

hubby 🫶 - jackson
scar - scarlett

scar :
are you on your way ??

hubby 🫶 :
sorry sweetheart
i aint coming to pick you

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