The "Viraha" and The "Samrishta" but one "Asatya"

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Upon entering as the portcullis swung inward, the elderly woman nearly stumbled, but a young girl came to her rescue. The elderly woman then exclaimed, 'Aarza, look who's there?' Aarza, who had been scrutinizing the newcomers, the elderly woman said, 'I may be deaf and blind, but it seems you are too. Can you hear?' The girl(Aarza) identified the strangers as Satrupa appeared uncertain, yet Bhagat acted swiftly. He declared, 'Ma ji, I am Abhishek, your beloved son,' in a loud voice. Satrupa seemed confused, however, Bhagat intervened by clasping her hand and advised, 'For heaven's sake, remain silent... I am your husband.' Overcome with emotion, the elderly woman hugged Bhagat and called out to a paralyzed man, 'Bala Ji, witness our precious gem has returned.' When Bhagat saw Bala (Abhishek's father), he inquired, 'Who is the elderly gentleman?'

The girl said "What... I think he's your father..." Bhagat swiftly said "My Devata, my father..." and began to cry pretentiously. Bhogh [Abhishek's mother, the elderly woman] feeds him and narrates her struggle and Pain.

The whole Narayana Family was busted in joy [in his old, Bala was employed in a Lahore sugar mill, So, he took his family to Lahore, that's why the rest of Narayan's members didn't recognise Bhagat and they accepted Bhagat as Abhishek], Despite Bhogh being blind, she was able to perceive the positive change in her previously precocious, mean, and arrogant son. Bala's physical paralysis did not hinder his mental acuity, and although he initially struggled to accept Bhagat due to this changed appearance, Bhagat's charming demeanour eventually won him over with love...

Aarza was still in a state of wonder, as she saw Abhishek [means Bhagat] opposite of her imagination but she adjusted with them due to their polite demeanour.

But in all this fabrication, Satrupa wasn't happy with Bhagat's lie and she even questioned him, the only word that came back in response was "the lie should be told only as a last resort, and that it should be told in a way that minimizes harm"

Satrupa held herself and decided to wait for the right time, Whenever she looked at Bhagat, her disintegrated yearning incorporated and bloomed like a 'Kokaveli The first flower who blooms', Never did she anticipate that a gentleman would enter her life and impart to her the true essence of living.

Bhagat never returns with empty hands [from office, as he was the only inheritance of the Narayana Factory], he brings Red Bangles for Satrupa, a 'Paranda' for her, a saree for her and a  'Sindoor Kauto'.

One day, heart-wrenching news echoed in Bhagat's sound duct, when they went hospital in a rush, the news was that Satrupa had been diagnosed with a heart hole. This made Bhagat depressed but Aarza lifted his fallen hope and motivated him.

Days later, Now Satrupa was known to her heart hole but still, her prosperity was bouncing, Satrupa and Bhagat officially married, but how?
When Bhagat came to know about Satrupa's hearthole, he decided to marry her or re-marry her [for the Narayana it was remarriage] to prevent Satrupa from Character assassination or any illegitimate relationship.

His desire was always for his love to be recognized as 'Palaksi~Pranaya'. It is imperative that there are no doubts or uncertainties in its existence.

1947- 13 August...

That night he decided to disclose his real identity before he could do this, Satrupa came frantically and said 'Krishna (Dhairya's son but now Satrupa's Son), is crying, please need some medicines for him'

He did not even for once turn back to look at Satrupa, because
On 12 August 1947
Heated arguments ruptured between them the reason was the only question that Satrupa asked "Why we are hiding the truth from Narayan"

2:12, 13 August, 1947

In the moment Satrupa opened her eyes, she was met with a burning sensation on her hand and face due to the calefaction. She beheld the fire engulfing the dwelling, realizing that it had been ignited by the rioters.

Effortlessly, she lifted Krishna, wrapped him in her shawl, and then went in search of her husband, mother-in-law, and other household members. Unfortunately, by the time she found them, some had collapsed, and others had fled.

She ran to save her life and Krishna's life from the rioters, some people waved their hands and called her to come in their boat. The ether was busted in tears, they all were injured, and they were helpless, but Satrupa was regretful that why she had called Bhagat a liar and she clung to Krishna.

Due to Inclement weather, Satrupa fell into the water.

1947, 12 November [Holi festival]

Upon awakening, she discovered Krishna in tears, prompting her to seek solace in the Vrindavana forest. Despite collapsing from hunger, she was on the verge of losing consciousness until the mention of "Maa" triggered memories of the tales Kuldevi Chachi used to recount about Krishna and Yashoda. In that moment, her lifeless body was revitalized, enabling her to rise and wash away Krishna's sorrow with water from the Yamuna River.

She was hopelessly lifeless but when she saw a thread of Red Vermilion in the Yumuna, she began to follow the red vermilion.

She went to Krishna Temple...

HOLI-Wednesday, March 12, 1952

Now Satrupa returned at 25, a mother of Krishna.

Satrupa attended the fair solely based on the insistence of Krishna. The event was teeming with vibrant scenarios, as children were engaged in various activities and women congregated at the shops offering sarees and accessories.

A man in a custom uniform came close to her, as she turned, her eyes were ready to accept the presence of Bhagat Raghuvanshi...
Both clung to each other with pure affection...
The only word she said was "aham tvayi snihyami...Shukman ji" ["I reside my love in you, and so we are one"]
The only word he said to himself was "madIya Palaksi Pranaya"


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