9 ~⋆🍦𝒮𝒽𝒾𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒿𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝒻o𝓇 𝓎♡𝓊🍦⋆

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The morning rolled around, and Taylor was still peacefully asleep wrapped up in Travis' comforting embrace, that was until she was awoken by a knock at her bedroom door and her mother's voice from the other side, 'Taylor are you awake, school starts in an hour?' Taylor's eyes shot open, her eyes darted to Travis rubbing his eyes as he woke up next to her; she swiftly pushed him off her bed in a panic in case Andrea entered, 'erm...yeah I'm just getting ready mom, give me one second!' Taylor nervously responded, grabbing a random shirt from her bedroom floor so she could appear to be getting changed for school, signalling Travis to crawl under her bed before her mother saw him. Seconds later, Andrea entered her daughter's room walking towards her window to open the curtains; as Taylor sat at her vanity brushing through her tangled blonde curls. 'Did Travis leave early this morning?' Andrea asked her daughter through the mirror of her vanity, Taylor's eyes widened slightly as she could feel Travis' presence under her bed a mere metre away from them. 'Oh he goes for a run before school...' Taylor explained hoping her mom would be convinced, 'ah I see, he has to get his exercise in for football doesn't he?' Andrea stated to her daughter, causing Taylor to offer a convincing smile and nod in response, she knew Travis would be laughing at the irony of Andrea's comment, considering what they got up to last night 'anyways I'm going to make you all a quick breakfast,' Andrea responds giving her daughter a quick kiss on the cheek before heading out of her room and down the stairs, the sound of her bedroom door closing allowed Taylor to release a breathe she didn't realise she was holding in.

Travis crawled out from under the blonde's bed with a smirk, 'well good morning to you too,' he remarked rubbing his shoulder that had felt the brunt of her bedroom floor. She turned her head to look at him as she went to her closet to pick out her school outfit, 'thank you for last night...' she trailed off. 'My pleasure, we don't have to talk about what you told me again if you'd rather not,' he responded, throwing on his white t shirt and joggers from last night that were sprawled on her bedroom floor. She smiled softly at him, she trusted him a lot and was grateful he didn't push her on the topic, it can just become a part of her past it doesn't have to define her. being intimate with him was a step she was glad she took, it offered a sense of healing for her surprisingly; she often worried she'd never feel comfortable with anyone again after what happened, but he made it possible. 'I better sneak downstairs and pretend I've been out running then, huh?' he winked at her causing her to let out a light chuckle, as he headed out of her bedroom for the first time since last night.


'-So then I said, why can't we go for dinner tonight and go to the movies tomorrow? I swear he can be so difficult sometimes... Tay? Are you listening?' Selena ranted at her best friend, who she had realised had not being paying attention to a word she had been saying for the past 5 minutes, 'huh? Sorry Sel, I'm listening promise,' Taylor responded, removing her eyes from the 6'5 football player in the distance. 'What's up with you today?' Selena asked the blonde, 'nothing, I'm just tired,' Taylor responded shrugging her shoulder's and giving her best friend an overly fake smile. 'Tayyy?' Selena dragged out, 'we've been best friends forever, you're literally the worst liar I've ever met, what's going on?' Selena questioned. Before Taylor even had a chance to respond, Selena caught Taylor's eyes wonder over to Travis, 'woah, hang on I know Travis is staying at your house, but you can't be drooling over him Tay,' Selena joked, 'wait! Omg, did something happen,' Selena giggled excitedly bringing her hands up to her mouth in a shocked expression, causing Taylor to rapidly spin her head around to make sure no-one happened to be eavesdropping on their conversation. 'Shh Sel! Not too loud... Yes, we may have erm...' Taylor whispered stuttering over her words. 'Oh Em Gee! You so slept together,' Selena replied giddily. 'We may have done, but it felt right; but I hope it's not going to make things awkward between us now,' Taylor states worriedly. 'Well there's only one way to find out,' Selena responds before signalling towards Travis, Niall and Patrick who were now walking towards them.

'Are you still annoyed at me?' Niall asked Selena as soon as the boys approached them, 'yes, yes I am!' Selena responded crossing her arms proudly across her chest, causing Taylor to laugh at the pettiness of their fight. Niall noticed Taylor laugh, 'woahhh, hang on you told Taylor?' Niall asked Selena pretending to be overly offended, 'now she's on your side,' Niall pouts. 'Well I did tell Taylor, but she wasn't paying too much attention to me, she was a bit preoccupied with her thoughts,' Selena smirked, glancing at Travis who had been remaining uncharacteristically quiet, until Taylor's name was mentioned, 'oh yeah? What you thinking about princess?' Travis stated in a calm tone, causing Taylor's cheeks to flush pink, 'wouldn't you like to know,' Selena butted in. 'Am I missing something here?' Patrick butted in clearly oblivious to whatever was going on in front of him, 'no course not, come on Sel we don't wanna be late for class!' Taylor hastily linked her arm with her best friend's, and quickened her pace to enter the school. Travis' eyes followed her with a smile on his face, 'oh-kay, what was that about?' Patrick asked his best friend, 'nothing to worry about, bro' Travis responded with a smile patting his best friend on the shoulder, as they too set off to enter the school in time for class.


After Taylor finished up with cheer, she headed to the football team locker room; as Travis was driving them home. As she was waiting outside the door, she watched as multiple of the football players walked out as her eyes wandered to find Travis, 'sup Swift, waiting for me?' Jake called out to her with a wink causing a few of his teammates to laugh, making her return a disgusted look; Travis then exited the locker room, as he heard his comment giving Jake a harsh glare, which made him scurry off. 'Hey, you okay?' Travis asked the blonde, placing his hand gently at the small of her back. 'Yep, ready to go?' She responded to him with a comforting smile as he guided her out to the parking lot, and opened his car door for her to climb in. The drive back to the Swift's home was silent, but the comfortable kind; Taylor's eyes stared out of the window, as she listened to the music playing at a low volume. As Travis pulled onto the drive and parked up, Taylor stopped his hand as it went to unbuckle his seatbelt, 'Trav wait a sec!' she spoke up, causing him to focus his attention onto the blonde, nervous as to what she could want to say to him. 'What are we?' She asked nervously, and immediately began to panic; 'I mean like today, I didn't know what to say to Selena she just kind of guessed- and I didn't really want to tell her in case it was just a one off- and I wanted to speak to you about it first, but I-' Travis cut off her rambling with a passionate kiss, in which she accepted gracefully. After several seconds, they both pulled away, but keeping their foreheads pressed together, 'so, my bedroom 11:30?' Taylor asked him with a smirk. 'Well if the lady's offering,' Travis responded matching her flirty energy as they exited his car, him reaching out to grab her bag from out of her grasp to carry it into the house for her. 'How chivalrous,' Taylor said with a smile, 'you know I have no idea what that means,' Travis laughs in response causing Taylor to giggle and shake her head, he loved how smart she always seemed in comparison to him.

'Oh hey kids! Good day?' Andrea asked them both as they entered the house, both of them nodding with a 'yeah,' in response. Taylor stayed with her mom in the kitchen, as Travis wondered into the sitting room to join Austin on his playstation, Taylor's eyes following him as he exited the room. 'It's nice you too seem to be getting on well again,' Andrea said to her daughter with a smile, making Taylor make a confused expression. 'We always got on well,' she responded, 'yeah I know but you've not been that close since you were in middle school, it's nice, Donna and I used to think you'd make a lovely couple one day,' Andrea told her daughter with a laugh. Taylor laughed along in response, 'no don't be silly! We're just friends,' she replied looking down at the kitchen counter, in hopes her mom wouldn't see the redness of her face.

ℍ𝕖𝕪𝕪, 𝕒 𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕕 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕥𝕠𝕕𝕒𝕪. ♡

ℍ𝕠𝕡𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕖𝕟𝕛𝕠𝕪𝕖𝕕 :)) 𝕩 

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