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After Homecoming, Infinity War never happened, Tony never sold Stark Tower, The Avengers (excluding Tony) don't know that Peter is Spider-man.


Peter's POV:

Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Mr. Stark just invited me over to Stark Tower! I can't believe this is really happening!


What if the avengers are there!? What if Captain America is still upset about me stealing his shield? What if Black Widow tries to kill me? What if the Winter Soldier is mad that I webbed him to the ground and ditched? What if-

"Peter. You're heart rate is rising, I will have to alert Boss if it proceeds to do so."

Oh right. I'm on patrol. "Yeah. Thanks Karen."

"Of course, Peter."

I pull my mask back over my mouth and crouch down at the edge of the rooftop. "Hey, Karen? Any danger in the area?"

She doesn't respond for a second. "Head two blocks left and take the right. It appears to be a mugging."

I nod then proceed to launch myself off of the roof. "WHOOOOO!" Just a few metres from the ground, I shoot a web and swing off into the direction Karen directed.

"Help! Somebody!" A young lady's voice.

I land behind the two. "Hey man!" The mugger looks at me, giving the lady a chance to escape. "That purse really doesn't go with your outfit! Maybe I could give you some tips on style." I flip my tucked away hair dramatically.

"Oh, you think you're so funny don't you!?" He pulls a gun out of his pocket and takes aim.

I chuckle. "I really do! Cuz I am!" He fires a shot to my chest but my spidey sense kicks in and I narrowly dodge the bullet. "That all you got?! You weren't even close!"

Annoyed, he begins to rapid fire bullets in my direction. One by one, I manage to dodge them and allow them to fly into the brick wall behind me. When I think he is out, I stop flipping and run up to him and throw a hard, but gentle enough to not too badly hurt him, punch to the gut.

He flies back into the dumpster behind him and I turn to make sure that lady got away. Uh oh. Spider sense. I hear a pop from the gun and I side-flip out of the way. The bullet finds its way into my shoulder. I stick the landing and hiss with pain as I bring a hand to my shoulder. I see blood on my hand and swiftly web up the wound. It'll have to do until I can get back home.

I face the mugger and web his hands to the dumpster. "Hey, buddy. That wasn't very cool of you to shoot me, ya know."

"I don't-" I web his mouth shut, and kneel down next to him.

"Nuh uh! Say, do you have a pen?" I hear him shouting at me but it's inaudible do to the webbing. "Never mind! I have one!" I make sure to read what I'm writing out loud so that he can know what the note says. "I caught... a not-very-nice... dude who was... trying to steal a... lady's purse... that totally doesn't... go with his outfit... from: Spider-man." I stick the note to the webs on his hands and giggle. "Bye! Bye, Mr. Criminal!"

"Peter, you appear to be injured. I suggest that you seek medical attention immediately."

I laugh at my A.I., her voice sounds oddly concerned. "I'm fine, Karen! I will stitch myself up later."

"Peter." She now sounds annoyed.

"I promise!"

"Fine. Make sure that you do it right this time."

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