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Sorry for taking so long to update 💀
This one is short and sweet
The next one though... y'all are gonna hate me.

Peter's POV:

"...and that concludes this meeting. See ya later, Decathlon Nerds." MJ finishes as she stands up from her seat. We all follow suit and then go our separate ways. Me and Ned walk together, as usual, but today MJ decided to be a social butterfly (for her standards) and walk with us. "Sup losers."

I give a small wave. "Hello, Madame Michelle." That earns a stifled laugh.

"Hey MJ! Me and Peter we're just talking about my new lego set! We're gonna build it later tonight if you wanna come over to my house!"

Pulling a book out of her bag, she responds. "I'll have to ask my dad. If it's a yes from him, then sure, why not?"

I internally celebrate and Ned externally celebrates. "Yes! This is gonna be so much fun!"

Beep Beep

"Aw man, my mom's here already. See you both at five?"


"Sounds good, Dude."


We do our handshake and he jogs over to his mom's car, waving bye to me and MJ.

We stand there in an awkward silence for a bit, it was probably only awkward for me but who knows, before I break it. "So... do you have a ride home?"

"I think so, he's probably just running late... again." She replies not looking up from her book.

I don't have a ride but that's because I'm going on patrol and May knows that. Maybe I could just wait with MJ until her dad gets here. I mean, I do need to do my homework before Ned's house tonight.

I sit down against the front wall and pull out my binder and a notebook. Let's see, today I have Spanish, Math, Science, AND History homework. Welp, best get started.

I rummage through my backpack for something to write with. Crap. I forgot my pen in class. -groan- Parker luck strikes again.

Before I can even register what's going on, MJ sits down next to me and hands me a black pen with skulls on it; still not looking up from her book. "Don't lose it."

I feel my face turning red. "Uh... I-I won't. Promise. Thank you."

"Yup." She says, popping the P.

I click the pen and get started with my work.

Around ten minutes go by before a white Volvo pulls up to the front; her dad. "See ya tonight, Loser."

She starts down the stairs. "Yeah, see ya."

Stopping suddenly, she faces me yet again. "Do you have a ride?"

Uh- What do I say!? Think Parker! Think! "Yes! Totally! May is just- she's just- she had to work an extra shift today so she'll be just a little longer."

MJ knows that I'm lying but doesn't care enough to press further into the matter. "Eh, okay then. Bye."

Real smooth, Pete. Real smooth.

I watch as the car disappears into the traffic jam that is New York City before ducking behind the school to change into my Spidey-Suit.

As I pull down the mask and Karen greets me kindly. "Good afternoon, Peter! How was decathlon?"

"It was good. Thanks, Karen."

"Of course. What can I help you with today?"

"Just the usual."

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