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Taking place during Infinity War, Tony never sold Stark Tower but still bought the compound.

Yayyyy angst


Peter's POV:

Fire, smoke, and destruction encase the field behind the compound. I run as fast I can to the threat known as Thanos. No one said to, but everyone knows that we need to get that gauntlet away from him.

I sprint over the damage and rubble to see approximately fifteen enemy soldiers coming my way. "Karen! Activate Instant Kill!" My lenses change to heat signatures and my robotic spider-legs form behind me. They attempt to dog-pile me but are easily thrown off. Don't they know that dog-piles don't work on spiders?

As I approach Thanos, I see how large he really is. He's gotta be at least eight feet tall! "Deactivate Enhanced Combat Mode!" I launch myself at Thanos' right arm and cling onto the gauntlet.

"Get off of me you bug!" He starts waving his arm around; trying to shake me off.

"IIIII- quit that! Ammmmm Annnnnnn Arachniiiiiiiiiid!" The gauntlet slides off and I fall to the ground. "Dad! I got it! What do I do now!?" I dodge a punch from the big grape.

"Keep it away!"

"Yes sir!" I jump into the air and web up to Valkyrie. "Hi! I'm Peter- OH MY GOSH!" Her Pegasus dives downward to avoid a shot from the mother ship. Spider-sense. I frantically search the area. Oh no. "The ship is powering up! We need to move-"

A huge ray of light appears as the beam hits the Earth; sending rubble and debris alike all over the place. I fall off of the Pegasus and land hardly on the ground.

My ears begin to ring from how hard I hit my head. Wait a second. What is that!? Is that- is that a person!? In the distance I hear someone cheer. "Look! It's Captain Marvel!" So I guess it's another superhero! Cool! I wish I could fly...

She starts to fly through the ship and destroys it from the inside. Ten seconds later and my spider-sense goes off the hook. I look up to the ship and see that its sparking. It's going to explode!

I clutch the gauntlet to my chest and cover my head. The ship crashes down to the ground and the shock wave rattles my bones. Next thing I know, footsteps.

I look up from my cradle position and see CAPTAIN MARVEL!?

"Uh- hi! I'm Peter. Peter Parker."

"Hi, Peter Parker. You got something for me?"

I look down at the glove that I'm still holding like a scared child would hold their teddy-bear. "Oh yeah, here you go." I look at the army that lies between us and Thanos. "I really don't know how you're gonna get through all of that."

"Don't worry," I turn around to see... MOM? "...she has help." All the lady superheroes walk up behind Ms. Captain Marvel. Woah! Cool!

"Peter is that you!?" Pepper runs up to me and engulfs me in a hug. "Oh my gosh! Peter! It's been five years!" She places a kiss on my forehead.

"Hey, Mom." I look into her blue eyes and smile. "Ready to go kick Thanos's butt?"

Her visor snaps down over her face. "Ready as I'll ever be."

The Wasp shrinks back down to, well, a wasps size. "CHARGE!!!"


Ughh... everything hurts. My vision is blurred, my hearing is muffled, and I can't feel my left leg but I need to get up and help. I move to a kneeling position. "Just shake it off, it's just your bones, your muscles, and your organs eughhhh."

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