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Aight, listen up y'all.

This takes place during FFH, Tony never died, Peter is wearing the civil war suit even though the avengers never broke up, got it? Good. Enjoy (;

Peter's POV:

To think, this morning started off like a completely-eh, slightly normal day would. I got up and ready, had some breakfast with Ned and MJ, and started off for the airport for London. Little did I know that the Nick Fury would once again take me away to fight some baddies. I mean, I did tell him about Beck so it is kind of my fault that I'm here.

"...Mysterio IS the truth!"

Suddenly, I hear a thud from behind me. I turn away from the giant statue of Mysterio to find him standing right behind me. He shoots a green blast of energy my way that I easily dodge with a backflip.

Beck keeps firing blast at me and I dodge each one. Soon, he flies up in the air and I send two webs at him. Once they land, I pull as hard as I can.

Wait- Something isn't right. The illusions fade slightly and instead of me pulling Mysterio down, an entire crane comes flying my way. I dive out of the impact zone and search the area for Beck.

A green blast barely misses my head and I begin to dodge again. I duck behind a large stone fist for cover but he just shoots the bottom and the statue falls on top of me; inevitability ending my life.


It was an illusion, too!

The stone fist evaporates into thin air leaving me in front of a tombstone.

"Benjamin F. Parker"


"If you were good enough... maybe Ben would still be alive."

My breathing quickens. I-it was my fault. If I wouldn't have been so selfish- Ben would be alive. It's all my fault.

A decayed hand thrust through the tattered ground and pulls the rest of its body out of the grave.

A zombie form of Uncle Ben crawls towards me as I whimper and scramble away from him.

"Deep down, you know I'm right."

Spiders. Everywhere. They crawl out of his skull and jump at me. It's eyes become large and turns into an army of Mysterio's.

I finally manage to get up on my feet and attempt to run away.

The ground beneath me turns to snow and I run into a glass wall at full-sprint. I fall back into the snow; clutching my head from the pain.

"You made your choice! And all you had to do was step aside,"

The buildings of New York rise from the ground beneath me. Stark Tower, Empire State, The Statue of Liberty, all of it!

I soon realize that I'm inside of Mysterio's helmet; it's like a me-sized snow globe in here.

"and now, you ha-"

A gunshot.

The illusions fade away as I watch Beck collaspse to the ground and S.H.I.E.L.D surround him at gun-point.

I slide down the pile of gravel I was leaned against. "Fury!"

"Beck's people," He carefully steps over the rubble, favouring his shot wound. "are tryna find everyone who could expose him."

No, no, no, no. Ned and MJ know! Who else knows? Why did I eve-

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