⛧ you're all vampires

204 3 10

⛧ prompt: you're all vampires trying to figure out how to live normal lives as humans.

you sat up from the floor, feeling lightness pouring into the room. your head banged from being so used to the light that you forgot how dangerous it was to be in the light anymore.

"everything okay, y/n?" cesar was cleaning his teeth, trying to make sure his two prominent vampire teeth were polished and as white as they could be.

mark scoffed, watching cesar's every move, "you try so hard to make your teeth perfect, but for who? nobody wants to be seeing your ugly face any time soon."

"mark, apologise to cesar." ruth said through gritted teeth, still getting used to the vampire bitemark that the lieutenant had so gracefully bit her with. the lieutenant's face turned nervously, meeting his eyes with ruth.

"i still can't believe you turned me into a vampire, davis! just to join some bloody cults and be cast away from society." ruth sighed to herself, pushing her brown curls away from her face.

"it's not a cult! we're the only people in mandela county with this disease. we only have each other.." thatcher trailed off, thinking about the old times, where he was just a normal human living his very depressing life.

"think about it, we're more powerful than alternates!" you smiled, trying to get the room to lighten up more. the air still seemed thick with tension, up until the tv had turned itself on, and tv intruder had blessed you guys with his presence.

"good morning, good afternoon, and goodnight, america!" tv intruder chuckled. intruder sighed, rolling his eyes and walking up to the tv. with a swift click of the remote, the tv came to a blank screen.

"your bullshit isn't needed right now." intruder showed his fangs up to the tv, only to be pulled away by a very drunk jonah. he pulled intruder away and set himself in front of the tv, turning the channel back to tv intruder.

"you're a funny- looking guy!" jonah hiccuped. he drank away his pain from becoming a vampire, and now has no clue that he's sitting in a room full of vampires of his own kind.

"God, what are we going to do.." gabriel sighed to himself, tucked away in the corner of thatcher's living room. he isolated himself from the rest, believing that he was the superior from the rest of the people within the vampire regime.

"you're also a vampire too, gabriel." adam noted, sticking his head out from his phone. "you aren't gonna get God to help us this time."

"adam. don't say that." you sighed, getting up from the couch.

"well, what are we supposed to do? we're all vampires stuck inside thatcher's house! even the police have succumbed to this disease." adam flung his phone away from him.

his phone landed on the other side of the living room, startling N and jonah.

"not to mention we have an alternate- within a police man's living room." thatcher stared at N up and down, fear rising within him.

"he's harmless." dave blinked, searching the room for his signature sun glasses.

"a harmless alternate vampire? pfft." jonah laughed.

the whole room fell into silence, a few people opening their mouths to interject the silence, but nobody dared to say a word.

a few silent minutes later, and you couldn't bare to take the pain anymore. you stood up from thatcher's couch and stood in the middle of the room.

all eyes were on you.

"who- wants to bake a cake." you announced.



"sure, why not."

"uh- okay!"

"how childish.."

"shut up! let's do it!"

some people voiced their opinions, causing you to smile. you then ran over to the kitchen, getting all the ingredients to bake a cake.

ruth grabbed some red icing, which then caused all of you to stare at her. adam licked his lips, and gabriel bit his bottom lip.

"yah!" ruth yelled out in fear, throwing the icing towards you.

you grabbed it, then feeling everybody's pair of eyes look in your direction. "it's not blood, you idiots! it's icing!" you looked closer at the box.

"i knew that-" mark rolled his eyes, getting the eggs from the pantry.

the group then got to work, baking a cake that oddly was shaped as a vampire's tooth..

after a few hours, you all sat back in thatcher's living room, munching away at the cake you made.

"this is- pretty good!" intruder raised his eyebrows in slight shock.

adam and jonah nodded drunkily.

ruth had a smile plastered on her face, happily eating the cake.

cesar fell asleep after making the cake.

mark was trying to feed cesar without waking him up.

gabriel was still in the corner of the room, eating his own cake with his hands.

N walked around the room, circling you guys, staring at the cake that fit inside your mouths.

dave had cake smeared all over his face.

thatcher was wincing whilst touching his vampire teeth, clearly in pain.

tv intruder had come out of the tv, using a fork to cut very tiny pieces of cake and barely eat them.

"this is nice.." you sighed to yourself, heading over to the kitchen to get some morr cake for yourself.

⛧ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀɴᴅᴇʟᴀ ᴄᴀᴛᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ ᴏɴᴇ-sʜᴏᴛs!! [ᴘᴛ2]Where stories live. Discover now