Firey Flame

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A/N: 2 decades (20 years) had passed, and cities are began to be a hitstart of the new era. Four is the king and never changed, but lets focus at the 3 dynasties. The Air and Water Zones turned to a Metropolis, while the Fire Zone unlucky, turned into a village for the objects who can spawn fire. Unlike the others, its also known as the "Poverty Zone" for some reasons... But although, they still lived like a normal life on theirs. Many things happened throughout the years (before 20 years) like the Central Town and the others...

Place & Time: Central Town - 8:43am

A/N: In that town, there's different kinds of objects to see. Foods, things, accessories, anything you can imagine! walking at the central town. You can even imagine what the town be like(don't think something too far.) A fire named "Firey Flame" shouting newspapers for sale.

Firey: (shouting) Newspapers! Newspapers for sale! 25 cents for a newspapers! (Repeating it until a costumer came by to buy it)

A/N: He starts to sell newspapers daily to get the money he needed. He used his money to buy oil ( a food source for the fires) and charcoal ( also a food source for the fires).

[Few Hours Later]


Firey's Pov: I hope the money is enough for my source... (looks at his hard-earned money which is 75 cents)

A/N: He walks to his zone, and began to walk to the market...

Place & Time: Market( Fire Zone ) - 1: 18pm

A/N: He walked around the market looking for his "source" of food(Which is oil). Till he came to the oil store that he been there for his life. He went to the cashier area to asked if there's oil available.

Firey: Sir! How much is the oil?

Cashier: 25¢

Firey: 2 bottles of oil...

Cashier: Firey, did you still had the char-

Firey: I had it, I just don't used it really. (The cashier gaved the bottles to Firey)

Cashier: Why don't you go a job? Like something different than you had now, it looks you got pissed from your job.

Firey: Nah. That's the only job I can afford. I mean you are the owner of this store making the richest in this zone! And newspaper boy is the poorest of all. Wait had you seen Ember? She's been missing as soon I awake, I can think that she's might be there.

Cashier: Well, she was indeed went in, but she asking if she can afford a job. So I say "next time"

Firey: Well that's what I wasn't expected. Meh I got to go home

Cashier: You mean "alleyway"

Firey: Yup thats right. I'm off!

A/N: It's also true that Firey lived at the alleyways and had a sister. Her name is Ember, she's a year old younger than Firey. Their parents died on a massacre happened few years ago... Firey, as the older brother, his responsibility is to take care Ember till she's at the age that she can lived by herself. Unlike Firey, her color is violet.

Place & Time: Alleyway - 3:10pm

A/N: As Firey went in the alleyways, he sees Ember sitting down.

Ember: Firey! Where had you've been?

Firey: "Where had I've been". Its supposed where had YOU'VE been?! I've been worried once I wake up, and you know I had a job right? Ember, you're 17 years old! You've supposed to learn how to lived on your own if I was gone.(stressed and cools down) Look I'm sorry, is just our parents had died since you're 14...

Ember: Its okay... I understand my older brother work hard so I'll be able to live.

Firey: Here, our oil for a month (gives the bottle to Ember). Look if I had a job at the castle, and if I had enough money to buy, I'll buy a house so you can live a happy life.

Ember: (hugs Firey) You're the best bro I ever had!

A/N: Firey smiled and cried about himself, he know that what he say is just a lie and he had to do that to prevent Ember cry and lived like a homeless who was forgotten...

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