So What Now?

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This chapter is the continue part from the last chapter. I can't keep it perfect cuz of starting to had lack of ideas.

Leafy who go rough and hard realizing about everything about Loser and she's so angry like hell.

Pin tried to stop it, then Firey stood up, rush to her, and hugged her to stop her from going like crazy.

Everyone stops and looked at the fire and the leaf.

Firey: It's okay... I get it. I get what you're reacting... Life is always like that.

Coiny: Anyway... So what now?

Firey: There's only one place I remember...

Pin: You do? Since when?

Firey: Did you realize I used to go out of the border just to spent my summer vacation at my friend's house?

Coiny: Whose fr- Ohh... I see

Leafy was puzzled.

Firey: Thats the only place we had and I know it's a safe place. I hope they will help us from the desperation we suffer.

Pin: What happened to your...

Firey: Explain later, pack-n-go now.


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