𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑰𝑽 ✎ᝰ.

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A couple days later.

I watched Mr. Anderson closely while he taught. Through his teaching you could really tell that he was passionate about literature. I hope to find a job I'm that passionate about.

But he did make it hard to focus. I heard him talking but a lot of the time it went through one ear and out the other. I'm too focused on him. The way he pushed up his glasses or when his hair got in his face and he moved it so smoothly. I loved studying him.

I could admit that I liked him. But it wasn't just about looks, I wasn't that shallow. He was kind to me and, for whatever reason, I got a feeling that he cared. No guy has ever wanted anything from me except for my body, and even then that was rare. So yes I had a crush on my teacher.

I need to open a romance book because obviously I am deprived.

It had been awkward between me and Mr. Anderson after the incident when he took me home the other day. Mainly because I basically ignored him. I could tell he wanted to say something about what happened but I tried hard not to give him the chance to.

I continued lost in thought and didn't pay attention to all the sounds of students packing up around me. The bell rang and I was finally snapped out of my trance.

While everyone was leaving Mr. Anderson walked over to my desk, and I pretended not to notice while I placed my papers into my folder.

"The libraries closed today." He said, "If you were planning to go."

I looked up at him and my heart dropped. The library was my only break for the day, it was quiet and I didn't feel so alone there. In the dining hall everyone made it known that I was the new lonely girl.

I continued to pack while he studied my face. It seemed like he was having an internal conflict.

I stood up and picked up my things and headed to the door, "Thanks for telling me."

Then I heard him curse and say something under his breath.

"Huh?" I turned back to him.

"If you want to stay, you can. It's quiet and you can eat in here if you want, and read. I know you like that."

I smiled, "Really?"

He nodded.

"Ok I will." I sat back in my seat and pulled out my book, "Thank you."

"No problem." He shut the door and walked back over to his desk, pulling out his lunch.

I tried to focus on my book but I couldn't. I was suddenly very aware that we were the only two people in the class and it made my heart speed up.

I sat there flipping pages, not reading for 30 minutes before anything was said.

"You can eat." He said, watching me.

"I don't eat lunch." I said, looking up from my book.

"Big breakfast?"

I laughed to myself, "I don't eat that either"

"You don't eat lunch or breakfast?"

"No, not really."

"No wonder you're so skinny, you need to eat Aurora."

"You think I'm skinny?" I joked to hide that I was a little hurt.

He smiled but continued, "That's not a good thing."

"I know." I responded blatantly.

I have had a lot of conversations about my body over the years. Men and women have made comments about it to my face and behind my back (and not behind my back as in without me knowing, just like right behind me knowing I could hear). Mainly people pretended to be worried but they just thought it was unappealing, just not the right type of skinny. Like I got it, I was ugly, worryingly ugly. I was with myself 24/7, I knew it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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