Tanner Awakens

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She had been awake for several minutes now but she had yet to open her eyes. On top of being surrounded by an unfamiliar smell, her body also felt foreign and the surface she was laying on was firmer than she remembers her own bed feeling...

Memories of the bus ride and the forest were still fresh in her mind. 

After realizing she had probably stalled enough she blinked her eyes open and stared up at the ceiling. "Huh." It wasn't her ceiling. It wasn't any type of ceiling she had seen before in her life. 

Carefully she sat up, when she looked down at her hands, she couldn't help but stare in awe. "So tiny." She almost cooed. But that would be weird so she opted for whispering instead. Looking around she noticed a sword in a white scabbard next to a small wardrobe.

"Oh?" She threw aside her covers and got off what she thought might be a futon. "Geez. This is strange. Even my feet are tiny." She looked down before she realized something. "Holy shit, I can see my feet!" 

The realization started to kick in and she grabbed at her small breasts. "Damn. What happened to my big tatas? This is great!" She lifted up her shirt and poked at her slim belly. "Wow!" She looked up and noticed another new thing. 

"Long dark hair huh? New body? What the heck?" She twisted and turned as she tried to get a good look at herself. "Mirror. I need a mirror." She needed to know who she woke up as. The man said she would be reborn into a well-loved and cherished show. She had already died after all. No point in dwelling on that fact.

If she did all it would cause was unnecessary depression and she’d rather not deal with that right now.

She looked around the room before noticing a handheld mirror on the wardrobe next to the sword. "Nice." She carefully padded over to it and picked it up. “How lucky…”

What she saw in the reflection was startling. "What the fuck?!" Not even the fact that she was effortlessly speaking fluent Japanese could have stunned her the way her reflection did. "Rukia?!" She wasn't upset or even angry, in fact, a passerby could have said she looked excited, a face-splitting grin spreading wide as she looked at her reflection. "Wow. Cool. Okay. So. I'm in Bleach? Ah shit. I'm probably gonna get myself killed… wait. How am I Rukia? She's a spirit, isn't she? How do you take over a spirit as a spirit?" The pale skin reflecting back to her was almost as white as the shirt on her back. The midnight black hair was such a sharp contrast it was a little concerning.

The large violet eyes reflected back that same curiosity she felt deep inside. A voice, very similar to the one she could hear when she spoke, echoed quietly in the back of her mind that a servant by the name of Hibiki was approaching her door. She set down the mirror and carefully rearranged her face to one of barely restrained nervousness. If the very vibrant memories in her mind were correct, she had just been adopted into the Kuchiki family. Great, she gets to kill Kaien. And she just broke Renji’s heart. Her heart clenched painfully and she couldn’t quite tell if it was her own emotions or the body she currently inhabited.

There was a gentle knock on the door and she turned to it after letting out a quiet and hesitant “Come in?”

The door soundlessly slid open and Hibiki sat on his knees with his head bowed. “Lord Kuchiki requests your presence, Lady Rukia.” 

Her face screwed up in discomfort. 

“Just Rukia, please.” Her voice was meek and quiet. A far cry from the excitement she felt earlier. Good god, how was she supposed to be Rukia? Their personalities were almost polar opposites… Though, before Ichigo, Rukia might be closer to her, before becoming a Kuchiki might be closer. But… waking up after adopting Rukia would be better, etiquette lessons and all. The room felt like it was spinning and she could faintly hear Hibiki in the background telling her to breathe.

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