Chaos gremlins

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Renji let out a yelp of surprise. Rukia innocently whistled as she walked next to him and he shot her a glare. "Why?" He asked.

Rukia grinned and made a grabby hand gesture. "You got a nice butt." 

He blushed. "What?" Sputtering incoherent noises, Renji looked around and spotted Izuru leaning against a building. "Oi, Izuru, what the hell is this all about? Did you know Rukia was doing that kinda stuff?"

Izuru was quietly off in his own world. His eyes glazed with a thousand-yard stare into nothingness. Gravity seemed to pull his eyes. He gave his legs three kicks, each one faster than the prior one. Suddenly, without so much as a goodbye, he vanished with a Shunpo.

Rukia snorted. "Wow. Anyway, don't worry too much about it, Renji-kun!" 

"Kun?" he asked, only to get a cheeky smile in response and another pinch. "Will you stop that?!" he nearly snapped, rubbing his sore butt cheek.

"But your reactions are so perfect!" she chirped, winking at him, causing him to blush and look around. This had to be some kind of prank, right?

... Right?!

"You're acting so weird, ever since you started hanging out with Izuru." His eyes narrowed at her. She still dressed like Rukia, walked like Rukia, and used the same brand of scented stuff that he couldn't even think of affording. But she was so different.

"Nah, I'm not any different." Rukia retorted indifferently.

"That right there just proves it. Since when did you use slang like that?" Renji pointed at her.

"Slang?" Rukia cocked her head to the side curiously. "You mean saying nah? I don't think there's anything wrong with that, I say it all the time."

"Who are you trying to kid?" He seemed sad. "I know you, Rukia... or at least I used to."

"I'm still me... I'm just different." She whispered. "It's not in a bad way."

Renji nodded, rubbing the back of his neck. "I guess you're right." He offered an awkward smile. 

Rukia perked up. "Let's go get something to eat, I'm starving!" She grabbed his hand and dragged him to the nearest restaurant.

A week passed by. Renji and Rukia seemed to grow closer, much to Rukia's joyful surprise. He seemed to warm up to her new personality, which wasn't exactly new... to everyone she's been with for the last 20 years.


Friday rolled around, so Rukia and Renji were going to go out and do some friend stuff. Her cheeks flushed and a giddy smile crossed her face. Rukia decided to dress up in a cute floral patterned dress, strappy sandals, and a little shoulder bag- mainly to hold her coin purse. She quickly tied her hair into low pigtails. She looked in the mirror and grinned. Perfect. Byakuya will probably have a sister complex moment and that would be totally worth it. She snickered quietly and left her room, sandals in hand as she walked. It was her day off and she had every right to dress how she wanted.

She was in a hurry so she nearly ran straight into Byakuya when she swiftly walked down the hall. 

"Oh! Sorry, -Nii-sama!" She chirped with a grin. "I'm going out, don't wait up!" She skirted around him and with a skip to her step, nearly ran out of the mansion.

Byakuya watched her go with nothing more than a cocked eyebrow. This was the 7th Friday in a row that she's left dressed in something cute like that. The last time it was a pink hoodie with rabbit ears sewn into the hood. He looked to her room and nodded to himself before heading back to his office.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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