Chapter 12

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(Kaoru) *knocking on haruhis door* *talking in English* Ms.Fujioka

(Haruhi) *in english* coming *opening door*

(Hikaru) surprise!!

(Kaoru) surprise!!

(Haruhi) Hikaru kaoru you guys I thought you were a random person

(Kaoru) *laughing* sorry we had to trick you

(Haruhi) come in come

(Hikaru) *entering apartment* it's bigger than your home

(Haruhi) kyoya helped me get it *closing door*

(Kaoru) well tamaki spilled the beans

(Haruhi) about what?

(Hikaru) that kyoya shared his first kiss with you

(Haruhi) I was his first kiss!??

(Hikaru) well kyoya has never dated anyone

(Kaoru) he was more focused on work and studies

(Haruhi) wait how are the two of you here? I left three days ago

(Hikaru) we all left Spain yesterday but we decided to come here instead so you weren't alone, Kyoya and tamaki felt bad since this was your first time alone from everyone other than kurosowa but you had Ms.Suzie there and aari

(Haruhi) I guess it really was my first time alone come to think of it

(Kaoru) were also here to visit our mother and grandmother

(Hikaru) our mother is also expecting a baby soon

(Haruhi) Congratulations on becoming big brothers guys

(Kaoru) thanks Haruhi

(Hikaru) we can't wait to spoil her

(Kaoru) so how are things with you and kyoya?

(Haruhi) were taking things slow, it's sorta a waiting game he wants to wait till he's out of high school because he's worried school may affect our relationship due to all of the girls that quickly get jealous over all of you

(Hikaru) at least he's worried and protecting you

(Haruhi) I'm happy for that, he's been a great support through all of this and if it wasn't for him I wouldn't be in this program, he's also protecting me from his father he's worried his father will set him up next in an arranged marriage after akitos he doesn't know what may happen next

(Hikaru) about that

(Haruhi) what?

(Kaoru) Umehito Nekozawa overheard the night of the dance kyoya and tamakis fathers both wished for you to be with their sons so if their was an arrangement between Kyoya and someone that someone would be you

(Haruhi) really? They both see me with their son's?

(Hikaru) it's true they do, kyoya and tamaki don't even know that but Nekozawa needed to share it with someone besides honey's girlfriend then once she told honey, honey told us

(Haruhi) that is a shocker

(Kaoru) *sitting on bed* I've gotta ask something haruhi since we were on the talks of love in a way

(Haruhi) what is it?

(Kaoru) If I was to how do you say date your best friend

(Haruhi) you have feelings for aari!?

(Kaoru) yes maybe so

(Hikaru) *hugging kaoru* that's incredible

(Kaoru) are you sure?

(Haruhi) kaoru that's perfectly fine I'm happy for you and I hope things work out between you and aari

(Kaoru) I was worried because he's your best friend Haruhi and of our twin bond it's only been the two of us Hikaru

(Hikaru) were sixteen kaoru our twin bond will be forever but you deserve a relationship besides we may grow apart in ways in our life afterall once highschools done we all have different college or university plans

(Haruhi) he's right I'm going into law and philosophy of law

(Hikaru) I'll be in architect

(Kaoru) we really are separating after highschool huh

(Haruhi) you guys gave me my cell for a reason so if one of us reaches out you better answer we will keep in touch I promise you that

(Hikaru) of course we will

(Kaoru) were a team

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