Chapter 15

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Wei Ying needed Lan Zhan. He needed to feel his love, his body pressed against his, the kisses that took his breath away. He was scared and needed the reassurance that only Lan Zhan could give. Lan Zhan didn't tell Wei Ying, but he needed him in the same way but for a different reason. While Wei Ying was in his arms, he knew he was safe and belonged to only him. He will do everything he can to keep A-Yuan and Wei Ying at his side, but should things go wrong, he needs and wants this time with his beloved Wei Ying.

As the sun rose, they were still tightly bound to each other, unwilling to let the other go. They felt more like one person, ready to face what was coming.

Seated in China, Jiang Cheng is consumed by regret and worry as his father's words echo in his mind. "America?" No wonder he could never find him.' His father's anger was justified, and Jiang Cheng felt the weight of his failure. "If Wen Xu was bothering him, why didn't he just tell us instead of running away and hiding? We could have helped him." His father's words were a painful reminder of the missed opportunities, the chances to protect his brother that he had let slip through his fingers.

"Bothering him, did you say bother him? Father, Wen Xu, was in the process of raping Wei Ying in the parking lot of Wen Corporation. I stopped him and helped Wei Ying escape before he could complete what he was trying to do. He had no intention of letting him go, ever."

 I'm very sorry, Wei Ying. I had to break my promise, but I must make Father understand the seriousness of this situation."

Jiang Fengmian stood still in shock, "Raped? Wen Xu almost raped Wei Ying?"

"He begged me not to tell anyone, especially you. I don't know why. I never knew where he fled to. I've been searching for him ever since that night."

Jian Fengmian is quiet, trying to absorb everything. Part of him understands why Wei Ying did what he did, but part of him is angry and sad that Wei Ying didn't trust his family to protect him.

Jiang Cheng walks to his father and places his arms around his shoulders, "Father, he was acting on emotion, not thought; who can say what was in his mind then? Regardless, is he safe?

Jiang Fengmian nods, "He is safe for now; let's hope Wen Xu doesn't discover him as we did."

Wen Xu and two bodyguards board the plane heading to America. "Soon, Wei Ying, I will have you underneath me begging for mercy. Be ready for me."

Lan Zhan is having a meeting with his security team and Wei Ying. Wei Ying is tightly gripping Lan Zhan's hands under the table. He is trying to stop his body from trembling with fear. 

"One team will remain at the mansion with A-Yuan and the housekeeper. No one is permitted to enter or exit without my explicit consent. A-Yuan must stay upstairs, far from doors and windows. To avoid alarming him, remain out of sight unless necessary. Wei Ying, the responsibility falls to you to ensure A-Yuan understands to obey and stay in place until we come back.

Wei Ying nods. He thinks, "Yes, until we return home. I truly hope that happens, Lan Zhan."

"Jonathan and his military police-trained team will lead the second team. You will be placed in and around my office. I want all personnel on my office floor completely cleared; save us. Is that clear?

"Yes Boss."

"Wei Ying, you will stay hidden until I call for you."

"Right, I'm to be the bait."

"Yes, but he won't be able to touch you or come close enough to harm you; I'll be standing beside you, Wei Ying."

Wei Ying bravely smiles at Lan Zhan, "I can do this, Lan Zhan; I have faith in you. I'm exhausted from living in fear and need this to end."

Lan Zhan kisses Wei Ying's forehead and embraces him tight.

"I will end this. We keep him contained in my office and separate him from his bodyguards. Do not show yourselves or interfere unless necessary. The rest of the team will stay outside the office and monitor the elevators; I want no surprises. Understood?"

"Understood," the team leaves to prepare; they are determined not to disappoint their boss.

After they left, Wei Ying felt drained from tightly holding himself together. Lan Zhan just held him and stroked Wei Ying's hair to calm him down. Slowly, the grip on Lan Zhan loosens a bit.

"Everything will work out, Wei Ying."

"I hope so Lan Zhan, I hope so."

That night, Lan Zhan meticulously reviews every detail in his mind, allowing no margin for error. Absolutely nothing must go wrong. He holds a sleeping Wei Ying in his arms; Wei Ying refuses to be separated. He smiles at this, but the smile disappears as Wen Xu comes to mind.

"You will never see home again, Wen Xu. For tomorrow, you will die. I will personally send you to hell where you belong."

Finally, Lan Zhan closes his eyes in sleep. Tomorrow will come soon enough.

In the morning, Wei Ying deals with a crying toddler who has just been told he cannot go outside today to play in the garden with the bunnies. He must stay inside, particularly upstairs here, until Lan Zhan and he return from the office. Wei Ying is barely holding it together, and now dealing with his crying baby is more than he can bear right now.

It was as if Lan Zhan had shown up by magic and taken both sniffling people into his arms to calm them down. When they were calmer, Lan Zhan placed A-Yuan on his lap while holding Wei Ying in his arms.

"A-Yuan, we need you to listen to us, okay? Today, your Baba and I must go into the office; please stay here until we return to you." If you listen, I will take you to the pet store, and you can pick out your bunny for the garden. Would you like that?"


"Lan Zhan, do you realize you are using bribery to achieve your goals?"

"Whatever works, Wei Ying."

"Will you do as we asked A-Yuan?"

The toddler hugs Lan Zhan and says, "Prowmise?"

Lan Zhan hugs him and internally sighs, "Alright, one crisis has been averted."

As Wei Ying listens to Lan Zhan, he realizes that Lan Zhan is dealing with a lot to keep them safe. Despite that, Lan Zhan made time for A-Yuan. Wei Ying decides he will not add to Lan Zhan's worries, as he is doing all this for them and their future. Wei Ying resolves to get a backbone and be as strong as Lan Zhan. This realization brings a measure of peace to Wei Ying.

He looks up at Lan Zhan and smiles while stroking his cheek. "You don't need to worry about me. I will fight for my future with you, for I can never be without you."

Lan Zhan embraces Wei Ying, feeling happy and proud of him.

The afternoon has come, and Lan Zhan is about to meet Wen Xu. Before the meeting, he called his Uncle Qiren to inform him about the situation. Lan Zhan's uncle has always disliked the Wens, and he gave Lan Zhan the green light to take whatever action he deemed necessary. He was satisfied knowing he had his uncle's backing.

Jonathan alerts Lan Zhan and Wei Ying, " Wen Xu has arrived at the building and is currently entering the elevator." 

"Alright, let's put an end to this."

Taking Wei Ying into his arms, he escorts him to where he will wait until he is called for. Lan Zhan kisses his lips tenderly, "We will go home together, and along with A-Yuan, we will start our journey as a family."

"I'm counting on that, Lan Zhan."

After Wei Ying hides, Lan Zhan sits at his desk and waits for Wen Xu. He can't wait to put this behind them and rid the world of Wen Xu.

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