"I know you"

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play : Paparazzi - Lady Gaga

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⚜ one week later ⚜


A week later, Yuri sat alone in the park, lost in the melodies of her music. With her eyes closed, she embraced the tranquility of the moment, grateful for the temporary escape from the complexities of her reality.

‼️Breaking News: Lee Dongwook's Dating Scandal ⁉️

As Yuri scrolled through Facebook, her heart skipped a beat when she stumbled upon a post about Dongwook's dating scandal. Shock rippled through her.

Scrolling further, she found the pictures which caused the scandal. The image accompanying the article was the same one taken by the stalker paparazzi in Jeju.

That was me. Her mind whirled with confusion, casting doubt on the nature of her past experiences.

Yuri's heart skipped a beat as she zoomed in on the photo, confirming her worst fears-it was unmistakably her beside Dongwook, obscured by the cap he had given her to hide her face.

The article stated clearly that the scandalous image was taken in Jeju, right before the Museum lane. Confusion gripped her as she struggled to reconcile the discrepancies between reality and her dreamlike memories.

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☘ one year later ☘


"Don't forget to follow, guys. Muah. Love you" Yuri waved at the camera set before the window. Right after finishing recording, she grabbed the device to see the outcome of her past one hour's efforts.

Yuri had become a social media influencer now, captivating a large fanbase with her content. Her rise to fame had been swift and remarkable, a testament to her unique charm and personality.

New Email from tvn@gmail.com

Amidst the whirlwind of notifications, an email notification caught her eye-an invitation to host the premiere of Lee Dongwook's latest movie.

Her heart raced as she read the message, a mix of excitement and disbelief washing over her. Could this be real? Really? Is this another dream?

Later that evening, Yuri sat alone in her dimly lit bedroom, the glow of her laptop casting eerie shadows across her face.

She revisited the email, reading and rereading the invitation as if to reassure herself of its reality. Memories of her dreamlike encounters with Dongwook flooded her mind, clouding her thoughts with doubt.

Don't Wake Me Up -❃- ^^ Lee Dong Wook ^^Where stories live. Discover now