Chapter 2

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As soon as the lunch bell goes off, Kevin gets up rushing Si and Tim to go to cafeteria together with him. The siblings were excited to try Pizza but the two sibling abruptly stopped when they saw Thyme expression was somewhat uninterested to tail the brat. Tim confusingly question his elder brother "Bro, are you not coming with us to eat?". Thyme shook his head, he wasn't hungry anymore specially after what happened earlier with him in front of the whole class. He took his seat back as he stated "I'm not hungry. You guys go ahead and eat. I'll be here revising my notes". Kevin rolled his eyes as it doesn't matter to him whether Thyme eats or not. He rushed the siblings taking out of the classroom saying "Its all right guys, You can bring him something to eat in the classroom here. Now lets go. I want you to try so many things today". And before Thyme or other could respond Kevin grabs Si and Tim wrist rushing them out of the classroom taking straight to school cafeteria to eat. Thyme watches his siblings leaving him alone and frankly he didn't like the feeling of left out alone tho it was his decision to stay back. Also it was the first time someone was trying to interfere in between the trio, not that other person didn't tried to come in between them before and break apart their bond but they never succeeded grabbing his siblings attention to this extent for a change today. Thyme bit his lip for some reason his annoyance only increases for the brat and Kevin looks were determine and excited to take his siblings away from him, the brat is player and he need to do something about him.

With disappointed face Thyme look around the empty classroom but found it wasn't completely empty. His eyes met with two boys talking on the last bench and sharing their home made lunch with each other Dew and Nanny. For some reason the boys exchange polite and genuine smile towards Thyme and just like that Dew and Nanny offered to share their lunch with their new friend. Thyme couldn't decline he walk closer and politely accepted the offer. Dew and Nanny introduce themselves as one of them had brought burgers and nanni had some wired looking kebabs of veggies but it was very tasty and delicious. After thirty minutes when Kevin and his siblings return back, they stare their brother laughing and chatting with two other boys. He already made new friends but what made their mood sour was Thyme opted to eat lunch with other boys. Kevin watch the scene with narrowed eyes, since deep down he knew why Thyme decide to skip the lunch with them and for once he genuinely felt little sorry. Kevin was sorry and he had bought lunch for Thyme and really wanted to let go their childish  differences and wanted to be on good terms with the eldest of the trio. Kevin shrugs his otherwise thought and confidently walk closer to Thyme and the other two boys on the last bench. Kevin couldn't  understand why he wanted to be nice for the boy even though Thyme had humiliated him several of time for no god damn reason. Kevin was still holding a paper bag with two slice of pizza as he got closer Thyme stopped talking  and laughing as he turned his head when he felt Kevin's stand behind him. The little Alpha bark in annoyance "What?".

Kevin inwardly gritted his teeth, even though he was equally pissed and annoyed with Thyme's behaviour. He only wanted to pull all Thyme's hair from his head now, no one ever showed him such attitude. Everyone  always wanted to be his friends but it was only Thyme who was tottaly  opposite. He doesn't understand why he even wanted to be nice in the first place, but for some reasons he just couldn't stop thinking about the boy and his rude attitude towards him, he had made up his mind to clear out the differences between them. He genuinely wanted to be friends with trio just like their parents are. For their parents sake. For Si and Tim sake. Little Kevin smile and forwarded the paper bag saying "I bought some lunch for you". Thyme raised his one eyebrow on Kevin in surprise as he grab the paper bag from Kevin hand and look inside it grunting again in annoyance "What the shit is this?". Kevin maintain his composure yet again he had a mission to accomplished as he sweetly stated "This is what you call, a delicious food that can make you feel like heaven in your mouth otherwise also known as pizza". Thyme stated flatly before throwing the bag back towards Kevin "Don't try to be a smart ass. I know this is pizza but why are you giving this to me? I don't like pizza".

Kevin catches the paper bag by reflex, he was tottaly pissed at the alpha boy as he fumes in anger inwardly but before he coukd  utter a word his glance went at the two concerned looking siblings Si and Tim intently watching the scene in silent. Kevin tone changes into whines "Ouch, you're mean Thyme. Pizza is everyone's favourite .....just not yours anymore I guess". Thyme narrowed his eyes, Pizza was definitely  his favorite but not anymore from this day. The little  Alpha frown then he glanced towards his siblings who were frowning at him as well in confusion but they also look bit annoyed at him for his behavior  towards  Kevin which began to bothered Thyme a little but he shrugs. He felt more annoyed as he gritted his teeth pointing his finger at Kevin face "You guess right. I don't  like pizza anymore. Look I don't know what is your game plan, but you're testing my patience each time you show me your mouse like face, so get lost from my sight and never ever try to talk to me". After saying Thyme's turned his back and again got busy with his new friends while Kevin sigh hard looking disappointed and dejected, he knew it wasn't going to be easy to be friend with an Alpha Thyme and maybe Thyme really hates him and doesn't want to be his friend then so be it.  He is not dying to be his friend anyway.

The little disappointed sad Omega decide to tranfer his attention back to the rescued pizza in his hands as he turned around and smile walking back to his seat. Si and Tim gave small awkward smile to Kevin as they joined the little omega back. Kevin shares the pizza as both Si and Tim tried to cheer Kevin's mood for the  rest of the break by cracking jokes, teasing and talking silly stuff. After some time, the bell rang and Thyme went back to seat, sitting beside his brother behind Kevin trying hard to pay attention in the lesson but he couldn't help and watches his siblings were suddenly behaving like more of Kevin's siblings. The three were laughing and giggling non stop, talking in hush tone about this and that and what not. Thyme was only getting more annoyed realizing how the brat easily manage to grab this much attention from his sibling in just couple of meetings. He inwardly sigh hard The little Alpha decide to mind his own work, only because he doesn't wanted to get humiliated  once again in front of the whole class. He frankly doesn't care about what his siblings think about his behavior towards the brat, his siblings can choose to be friends with whoever they want as long as they don't bring the brat between them.

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