Chapter 16

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As soon as the football match was over Thyme couldn't help but scream in happiness, watching his mommy who was jumping up and down in full excitement soon enough his other team mates grabs his attention hugging him and celebrating the victory which Thyme never really did  before feeling thrilled. His coach grab his head and hug him while congratulate him for putting his best effort. Like Thyme, Tine could stop himself his happiness has no bound the Omega mommy immediately went onto the field with his family where Thyme was still having the best of time with his team mates. Tine quickly called out and pull Thyme in for a tight hug and for some reason he even tried to lift his son up as if his son doesn't weigh like a loaded truck. The Omega mommy but ofcourse failed in his attempt as Thyme commented laughing "Stop it mommy... you can't". Tine pulled back and groan "Shut up ...don't  forget you're still my tiny little baby boy. I can do whatever I want with you". He hug his son once more then kiss his head lovingly before letting him go. His grand parents were next in line both Ram and Uma excitedly congralute their grand son hugging tightly. In the end Sarawat walks closer and gave a tight hug  making Thyme to groan in pain before pulling them back. He fondly patt his son's shoulder saying "I'm so proud of you son. You gave your all even though you don't like the game that much. You make us very very happy today".  Thyme smile admitting to his father "I did it.... for my family and I'll always do my best for them. Every single time".

Watching the whole match in amazement Kevin was speechless in the end. And the Omega needed a moment. He saw Thyme and his other team mates walk towards the locker room. The little Omega quickly excuse himself "Sara, Jose I'm going to use the washroom real quick ". Like always Sara was ready to accompany him and Jose was about to open his mouth to say something but Kevin stopped both of them saying "Don't worry. I'll be back soon". Sara nods while Jose agreed saying "Okay I will wait for you here".   Kevin nods his head smiled saying "You better be". After saying he turn back and walk towards the washroom. Upon reaching Kevin quickly close the door and pressed his back sliding down on the floor before covering his face behind his two hands. The Omeg still can't believe his mate, his enemy destroyed the whole team almost single handedly. Last couple of years he saw Thyme in wired stage of life and growing up. His body growing so big and so fast. He had hardly saw Thyme playing game or putting any effort otherwise he had mostly seen the Alpha lazing around and watching his direction as if he was in the team just to keep his eye on him. But today's match was really something else. Everything was different. And honestly Kevin had never seen anyone so hot in his entire life. Plus the way Thyme played today's match was outstanding and every second of it was thrilling. He doesn't even wanted to blink either to miss out on any action of his Alpha. His first attack was when he came out on the field and immediately his eyes search for him, it hit Kevin hard on his nervous system. And watching him giving his all into the match did crazy stuff to his heart. Kevin can't deny his mate got the hottest and delicious body but to be frank there's nothing he contributed into it because all credit goes to his beautiful and handsome mom and dad respectively. But he also can't forget Thyme's legs were so powerful and the glimpse of his as.s God it was super round. His big shoulder looks so strong and last not the least is Thyme is growing so fucking tall. Moon Goddess really gave Thyme  Guntituthon the most gorgeous body. The perfect handsome face. Kevin can clearly see how much pure blood race were doing wonders  but Why? Why moon goddess needed to give all this to Thyme Guntituthon along with the title of His fated mate to the most idiotic boy of the universe.

Kevin was wet, and it never happened before just by watching his mate playing football. Oh moon goddess  have some mercy. There was  something happening inside his body. Something that was craving for his Alpha and Kevin knew it is going to such a bad idea to act upon it. Shit he can't control his desire to be with his Alpha causing his pervert desire was overtaking his senses. Kevin tried to think of something else, but all he could think about his mate and just about his sexy strong physics. Kevin remove his hands from his face and whine "Ughh fuck..." his desire never before dominate is rational thinking because this never happened before today. But fuck, Thyme Guntituthon his mate was so strong and beautiful in his own way all he could think about the stuff doing with his mate but still there was some counterpart was still left of his brain that wanted him to stop thinking about the
rudest Alpha of the century Thyme Guntituthon who bullys his Omega mate. Kevin scold himself "Stop it Stop thinking about that mean asshole...". But then again Kevin's  Omega wanted to stop being a mean little brat and wanted to act mature for once. He wanted to be closer to his Alpha mate. A very small part of him missed Thyme touch on his skin. The sensation and the way Thyme's  touch burns his skin on the night when he barge in his bedroom and hold him close, kissed his cheek and run down his lips on his neck over a year ago while squeezing his as.s he wanted all of them back. He wanted to feel the same feeling once again, hot and wet that made his legs go weak. Kevin's Omega inwardly chukled at himself realizing how hard Kevin was trying something to stop so inevitable and it was getting bored and out of fashion for his innerself not to showed up himself anymore. Honestly for Omegas it's never been easy to find their mate so early in life some took ages and decades and some never met. But after finding out about their bond the two of them just acted silly and annoying, Thyme and Kevin fight with each other. They were already start to ruin their beautiful  life when infact they both could enjoy their bond by being An Alpha and Omega together as a mate from the day itself. But now it was enough there was something inside Kevin  that was so powerful that he doesn't wanted to care about anything, not wanting to be scared anymore and just wanted to have what was his since the beginning. And how could he not he wasn't just any Omega, the dominant  Omega finally  decide to showed up. He had let the two played enough. And from now Kevin get it what he wants it.

Every passing second Kevin heart was thumping wildly no matter how much he was confused about what to do next. Halt on his footsteps or speed up and rush as fast as possible. The later always won and next thing the Omega knew that he was already on his way walking in the direction of his mate's  intoxicated scent to hunt him down cause he doesn't wait for anyone to come to him. Kevin, the dominant part Omega go and take it want he wants. As soon as Kevin stepped his foot inside the locker room someone complain "Hey Omega, What the hell you're doing here?". Kevin walk up straight smelling the delicious scent that always makes him go crazy was coming from one of the shower stall. As kevin walk deeper in the room Some more Alpha complain while hiding themselves with a towel out of respect as they should be and some groan but Kevin doesn't paid any attention to anyone who was practically standing naked in front of him cause he was only intrested in his Alpha mate. As the Omega stand in front of the shower door Kevin groan "Get the hell out of here. And Leave us alone". Some Alphas frown hearing Kevin as most of them gone silent and at the same time Thyme appears completely naked, slightly panting in front of Kevin, his eyes already dilated, his body all wet, water dripping down sexily from his hair and before anyone could say Thyme growl at other Alphas direction "Get The fuck out of here". Kevin made himself busy watching  his mate delicious naked body from head to toe for the first time. Kevin mouth watered as he gulped hard at the heavenly sight because he had never seen such beautiful Alpha all naked, so hot, beautiful and looking so delicious.

After growling at the other Alpha Thyme transfer his attention on his Omega brat half annoyed and half expression of lust and desire as he grab Kevin's arms stating "You, come here right fucking now". He pulled Kevin straight inside the shower stall with himself without caring one bit about the world and slammed the door shut on everyones face. Thyme was too lost having his mate so close almost into his arms, the intoxicated scent was to stong making him to loose his mind  as he close his eyes so tightly until it's hurt to calm himself down. Thyme mind was running to fast in the direction it shouldn't go but he wasn't a weak Alpha. Thyme took control on himself as he didn't let his lust and desire overpower his rational thinking unlike his Omega mate. Thyme open his eyes watching  Kevin staring back at him like he hung the moon and stars for him. The Alpha question but it came out as a groan "What the hell you're  doing here, Omega?". Kevin stayed quiet too lost  watching his hot mate, as water from the shower head now falling on him too and making him all wet in not just one but more ways.  Thyme question again "Why are you here Omega where dozen of naked guys are taking shower". Kevin boldly grab Thyme's C in his soft hand asking "I came here for this. I want my Alpha Thyme Guntituthon".

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Do you think Thyme Guntituthon will survive  the shock? 😅

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