Chapter 64

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Sarawat immediately gets up and listen attentively  everything what Thyme explained to him from beginning.  The Alpha daddy immediately grabs his phone and ask his bodyguard to check the surveillance camera around the mansion area.. While Tine just kept stairing at the two with heavy heart. Under two minutes Tony respond "Kevin got kidnapped. He was just two minutes away from the mansion when Win's  island Head Alpha took him, after injecting some kind of dru.g on Kevin's neck from behind". Every hair on Thymes body stood straight after finding his assumption being real. He inwardly growl 'NO WAY!. NO FUCKING WAY!!'. After giving one last glancen of understanding  towards his wife, Sarawat walk out of his bedroom behind his angry son Thyme. As soon as both Sarawat and Thyme got seated inside Thyme's car, Sarawat assured grabbing his son's shoulder "Son, nothing will happen to your mate, we will go and get him from Win's island safely".  Thyme had no words to respond to that. He just wanted to kill that fucking bastard Vincent, then bring back his mate safely back home. He always knew  that Vincent will pull some shit against him for sure, he just never wanted Kevin to get involved in anyway between him and that mother fucking bastard. Four hour, distance Sarawat crossed it in less than two hour. When they were about to reach the Alpha Dad stated his concern "Thyme, Son....  Vincent isn't stupid. He didn't go to Kevin, but he still took your mate with him. It was really bad timing when Kevin met him. You have to be very careful dealing with the head Alpha. He is young and into politics for long, he know how to play with other people.  He might need you to do something in return...". Thyme immediately grunt and in full anger he spit out "I don't care what that fucker need. He dare to take away my mate, without his permission. He needs to be dead now".

Sarawat whole body tensed, up  watching his son in extreme rage for the first time, but can he complain He'd act same if ever something like that happened  to his mate as well. But he couldn't stop himself from spitting out "We warned you ... not to get involved with that Alpha. He's not a good guy". Thyme stayed quiet, he got nothing to say or to defend himself, because he was at fault in the first place. But now he's  ready to deal with that bastard. For the rest of the way he stayed silent and they drove off to their destination. Thyme jump out of his car and straight went inside Vincent's home. It was big palace, but upon reaching inside Thyme madly began his search, when Vincent guards tried to protest, Tony and other Sarawat bodyguards took care of them. Slowly Thyme started realizing that there was no trace of Kevin's scent in the house, it means Vincent didn't  brought him to his home. And if Kevin isn't here, then  there is only one place that fucker would take his Omega mate. Without saying anything Thyme started running out of the house, he charged straight towards the se.x Club, that Thyme was often visit to watch the dirty show when he was staying in Win's island. Thyme's rage knew no bound, he ignored his father completely who was running behind him while calling his name. But at the moment Thyme doesn't care for anything except to get to his mate as soon as possible. He knew his father is following him to the se.x Club, that is hidden behind the normal bar but he care less. Thyme immediately  slammed opened the huge door of se.x club. For some reason it was very much crowded today, but for Thyme it took only few seconds to find the mother fucker Vincent was proudly seated in the middle of a couch, with Kevin beside him closer. As soon as Vincent eyes met with rageful Thyme's, he scoffed "Look, who finally decide to showed up.... I told you guys...he will come here running for this little Omega". The teenager Alpha completely ignore the head Alpha words, as his eyes locked with Kevin who was sitting beside Vincent. Before Thyme could move a muscle, Sarawat stride towards his son's  mate. He grab Kevin arm and move him away from Vincent before his son act up recklessly. Sarawat immediately check the little Omega from head to toe. Once Sarawat was sure, Kevin was fine, he glanced towards his angry son and assured him stating "Kevin is completely fine, Thyme. Let's go back home".. Sarawat already started walking towards the exit,  of se.x Club when his and Kevin's footstep halted after hearing what Thyme blurted out in loud and clear voice "I challenge you for the fight to death Vincent. You dare to take away my mate". Vincent smug look changed into shock at the revelation. . While everyone in the Club pause and stop doing what they were doing. The surrounding got completely silen. Whent the moment of shock passed, some people started leaving the Club in fear but most of them started crowding the two Alpha.

Suddenly Sarawat face got paler as he quickly walk closer to his son and gritted out as if  loosing his mind "Alpha Thyme, Your mate is safe. Do you know the consequences of challenging another head Alpha for a fight to death". Thyme again ignored his father words, he question glaring at Vincent "Alpha Vincent,  Do you accept my challenge or not?". Sarawat for the first time in his life felt helpless, he never imagined he'd witness his son challenging other head Alpha for a fight. His whole body shivered just by thinking about the end result, there was no way he'd let his elder son die,just like that neither even Thyme won he'd need to pay the huge price. Tine, his pregnant  wife would kill him.He'd loose his son either way. While every fibre of  Thyme's body itch to kill Vincent right then and there but he has to think rationally. Before Vincent open his mouth, one of Vincent Alpha friend Rex stated "Vincent, You can't accept this challenges. Don't be a fool". Then he look at Thyme saying in pleadingly "Alpha Thyme, Please back down from the challenge. Vincent didn't hurt your mate". Thyme thunderously growl in response to Rex "I don't care, taking my mate away without his permission is enough reason for me to kill him". Just the mere thought of taking away his mate from him is a big big offense and Thyme will never tolerate such stupidity. He then look at Vincent asking "Vincent, Do you accept my challenge?". Vincent glance  around, then replied smugly "I accept your challenge... kid...". And that was all Thyme needed to hear. He doesn't let Vincent speak anymore nonsense as he run towards the head Alpha. Honestly Thyme doesn't wanted to end up in prison, after killing Vincent. Plus he doesn't wanted to leave his mate to faith anyway. His Omega mate, Kevin would surely not like to visit him to prison. So what will be the better way to kill head Alpha through challenge  though it's not something logical normal to kill one of the head Alpha but who cares, anyway.

Sarawat stated in loud and clear voice "No...". But his protest fell into deaf ears, cause his son, Thyme already charged towards Vincent direction for an attack. No matter how strong Vincent was, he was bit slow to save himself from Thyme's hard punch. Kevin's heartbeat sky rocketed at the sight of his super furious mate fighting. Kevin was still not fully recovered from the affect of, that Vincent's minion gave him. The Omega suddenly felt like a paralyzed person, a fight to death and there's a 50-50 chances, he could loose his Alpha tonight.. Kevin has almost vomited watching his surrounding when Vincent brought him inside the Sex Club. For once Kevin even thought about Vincent will fuck him, but that son of a didn't. He just kept the Omeg close and continously inhale his scent like he is some kind of dru.g. When Kevin saw Thyme entering inside the Club he was releaved but now watching his Alpha's mate fighting for him with the head Alpha of Win's island, who is older than him. Kevin gut churned at the sight. Vincent gets up from the floor and launch himself on Thyme's big body. The Omega closed his eyes tightly, he can't see his mate getting beaten up. Kevin literally wanted to go help his mate  but his body wasn't helping him at all. 

Kevin then looked towards Sarawat,  he wanted to ask Thyme's father to stop the fight or atleast go help his son but Sarawat knew better  he can't interfere when two Alphas get into a challengeing fight. His eyes were filled with fear and pain watching his son fighting to death. But at the moment the teenage boy is not just his son, he was an Alpha who was fighting for his mate, his love and for his dignity. Kevin eyes filled with tears hearing wild painful angry grunts of two Alpha one after the another. While Sarawat could only blink back his tears at every attack Thyme experienced. Vincent movement were like he was use to fighting but the good thing is Thyme was able to dodged most of Vincent's attacks.. Anyone can easily say that Vincent  knew what he was doing, while Thyme was trying his best to return back, what he was getting from Vincent.  Kevin inwardly begged "Oh moon goddess please please don't  let my mate Thyme die. I only got him just few days back. Please moon goddess today I didn't even hug him nor  kissed him. Please please don't let Thyme die". As soon as Vincent grabs Thyme's neck from behind Sarawat pulled Kevin into his embrace, so that  Kevin doesn't  witness painful sight of his mate. The Omega cried harder while Sarawat tears fell down at the thought of  his son loosing the fight. Kevin sob and sob harder, until he heard one last painful whimper but the next second Sarawat ghasped in relief "Oh  Yes...Yes!! that's my son....  Thanks a tonn moon goddess".

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