Police : Two calls

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The office was quiet, the only sound the faint hum of fluorescent lights overhead and the occasional click of keyboards as my fellow officers typed away at their desks. I sat at my workstation, surrounded by paperwork and half-empty coffee cups, trying to make sense of the bizarre situation that had landed in my lap.

Two calls, both reporting sightings of the infamous Shadow Stalker, both from individuals in the K-pop industry. One call from Park Jimin, the internationally renowned idol with a legion of adoring fans at his beck and call. The other call from Kang Y/N, a trainee whose name was just starting to gain traction in the cutthroat world of K-pop. The odds of two people from the same entertainment company reporting sightings of the same suspect were astronomical, to say the least.

I leaned back in my chair, running a hand through my hair as I tried to wrap my head around the sheer absurdity of it all. What were the chances that two completely unrelated individuals would both have run-ins with the same mysterious figure? It was like something out of a far-fetched sitcom plot, and I couldn't help but feel like I had stumbled into the middle of a twisted episode.

I glanced at the clock on the wall, noting with a sinking feeling that it was already late afternoon. If we were going to stake out the café near Y/N's dorm as planned, we needed to move quickly. But before we could do that, I needed to gather more information, to try and make sense of the tangled web of connections between Jimin, Y/N, and the Shadow Stalker.

Grabbing a fresh notepad and pen, I began to jot down notes, trying to piece together a timeline of events and identify any patterns or similarities between the two reports. As I delved deeper into the details, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this case than met the eye, that there were secrets lurking beneath the surface waiting to be uncovered.

But before I could delve any further, my phone rang, jolting me out of my thoughts. It was dispatch, informing me that the patrol car was ready and waiting to take us to the stakeout location. With a sigh, I pushed away from my desk and headed towards the door, steeling myself for the long night ahead.

As I made my way through the station and towards the waiting patrol car, I couldn't help but wonder what other surprises awaited us on this wild goose chase of a case. If there was one thing I knew for sure, it was that dealing with celebrities was never dull. And as we pulled out onto the deserted streets, I braced myself for whatever madness awaited us at the café near Y/N's dorm.

I sat in the patrol car, the engine idling as I prepared for the long night ahead. Just as I was about to radio in to dispatch to confirm our arrival at the stakeout location, my phone buzzed with two incoming calls simultaneously. One from Jimin, the other from Y/N. I raised an eyebrow at the timing, wondering what could be so urgent that they both felt the need to call me at the same time.

I answered Jimin's call first, holding the phone to my ear as I listened to his frantic voice on the other end. "Officer, you need to hurry! There's a girl with dark brown chocolate-like eyes, and she's the stalker! She's been following me everywhere, and I'm starting to get really freaked out! I'm wearing a black mask come quickly!"

I couldn't help but stifle a chuckle at his choice of words. Dark brown chocolate-like eyes? Really? But I quickly composed myself, assuring him that we would investigate the matter thoroughly and urging him to stay safe.

As I ended the call with Jimin, I switched over to Y/N's call, bracing myself for another round of panicked rambling. Sure enough, her voice came through the line, frantic and breathless. "Officer, you have to do something! There's this guy wearing a black mask, and he's been staring at me! I'm sure he's the Shadow Stalker, and now he's targeting trainees! You have to arrest him before he hurts someone!"

I couldn't help but shake my head in disbelief at the absurdity of the situation. Here I was, a seasoned officer with decades of experience under my belt, being bombarded with calls from two K-pop stars who were convinced that the other was a stalker. It was like something out of a bad sitcom, and I couldn't help but find the whole thing hilariously ironic.

As I assured Y/N that we would look into the matter and hung up the phone, I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. Who would have thought that my night would be spent mediating a feud between two paranoid celebrities? But then again, stranger things had happened in my line of work.

With a shake of my head and a bemused smile, I radioed in to dispatch to let them know that we had left for the stakeout location. It was going to be a long night, that much was certain. But if there was one thing I knew for sure, it was that dealing with celebrities was never dull. And as I settled in for the stakeout, I couldn't help but look forward to the absurdity that awaited me.



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