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Year 2022, it was the year I felt seen. Some secrets are out. People showed their unmasked faces and revealed their true self.

March 17, 2022, it all begins here.

It was our flight to US, a little nervous but excited until we got to immigration. It was the time I felt uneasy. i felt like I need to go run to the restroom. But little do I know after the immigration was the real hell.

We were picked up by my aunt, I greeted her but the moment I stepped on the car, I felt like I was pushed away to the cliff. Like I was unwanted there. Every little thing I do was seen. A month later my sisters came. We're not that close but I felt extra distant around them especially when we went to the mall. They showed no mercy making me an outcast. Walking so fast, chatting with each other excluding me. I felt invisible that day. We went there with two cars, so I don't have a choice to sit in with them. The moment we got home, I got out to the car as fast as possible to breathe and to get away from the cruel torture.

The next night, they went up to my bedroom. They say they wanna talk, I hesitate cause' I don't trust them but eventually I started crying and told what I was going through. I don't know if they acknowledge my pain or just an empty consoling

After that night, things changed noticeably. But my mom never did. She still insensitive, controlling and still have a sharp tongue. When my side of the story was revealed, I now show emotions to people. I only removed my half mask though.

Year 2022 was the year they saw me cry for the first time in years. And this was the year I spoken up. Started to show what I really feel and say what I want to say.

This is also the year I was injured. It was funny actually how I got it. I hurt my knee and can't walk properly for 13 days. It was painful but felt human so I'm fine. This knee injury was the sign of freedom. It was a sign that I'm Going out to see how cruel the world is.

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