Roommates : 2 weeks?!

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I groaned in frustration, feeling the weight of the blankets pressing down on me like a suffocating blanket of despair. Two weeks in the hospital sounded like an eternity, especially with the prospect of sharing a room with... her.

The doctor's words echoed in my mind, a grim reminder of the reality I was facing. Two weeks. Two weeks of being stuck in this sterile, impersonal hospital room, with nothing but the constant beeping of machines and the faint smell of antiseptic to keep me company.

But the real kicker came when PD-nim dropped the bombshell: we would be roommates. Me and her. Sharing the same cramped space for two whole weeks.

"But she's a girl, and I'm a guy!" I protested, desperation creeping into my voice as I tried to reason with him.

PD-nim merely smiled, his expression unyielding as he patted my back in a gesture of false sympathy. "I'm sure you'll manage, Jimin-ssi. Besides, it'll be good for you to have some company during your recovery."

I gritted my teeth, feeling a surge of frustration bubbling up inside me. "I don't feel safe," Y/N chimed in from her own bed, pulling the blanket up to her chest in a protective gesture.

"He seems like the pervert of the group anyway," she accused, her tone dripping with disdain.

"What?!" I exclaimed, my eyes widening in disbelief. "How dare you!"

But she was unfazed, her gaze steady as she met my furious glare with one of her own. "I said what I said," she retorted, her voice laced with defiance.

"Honey eyes, I swear I'm going to punch you," I muttered through clenched teeth, my eye twitching with frustration.

But before I could carry out my threat, Jungkook piped up from the sidelines, a mischievous grin playing at the corners of his lips. "She's not wrong though, hyung..."

I whirled around to face him, my blood boiling with rage. "YAH JEON JUNGKOOK!" I yelled, my voice echoing off the sterile walls of the hospital room.

Jungkook merely shrugged, his grin widening as he ducked behind Jin hyung for protection. "Aish, you're so loud," Y/N muttered, covering her ears in annoyance.

"Cut your ears off then, princess," I shot back, unable to resist the opportunity to get in one last jab before retreating into brooding silence. This was going to be a long two weeks.

As the room emptied, leaving only Y/N and me behind, a heavy silence settled over us like a thick fog. She went about her business, eating the food the nurse had brought, immersing herself in a book, and drowning out the world with the melody of her music. But for me, the quietude was suffocating, pressing down on me like a weight I couldn't shake off.

I shifted uncomfortably in my bed, the silence between us stretching taut and brittle. I couldn't stand it any longer. "C-can we just talk it out?" I finally mumbled, my voice barely audible in the stillness of the room.

Y/N turned to look at me, her gaze piercing and unreadable. I swallowed hard, feeling a knot form in my throat as I braced myself for her response. "Listen, I'm... sorry," I began, the words tumbling out in a rush. "I'm sorry I thought you were the Shadow Stalker, and I want to make up... so just please, just talk to me. Because if I don't have anyone to listen to my ramblings, I'm going to go insane!"

The words hung in the air between us, heavy with the weight of my earnestness. I held my breath, waiting for her response, hoping against hope that she would grant me the chance to make amends and bridge the gap that had formed between us.

"Alright," she said, her voice devoid of emotion as she returned her attention to her book.

I furrowed my brows, taken aback by her nonchalant response. "Are you not gonna apologize?" I questioned, feeling a twinge of frustration bubbling up inside me.

"For what?" she asked, her tone incredulous and oblivious to the gravity of the situation.

"For—" I began, but she cut me off before I could finish.

"Let me guess, for the time you started following me? Approaching me? Stalking me? Then hitting me with a basketball, causing me to have a muscle injury and not be able to walk properly for 2 weeks?" she spat out, her words dripping with bitterness. "I think I'll pass."

I sighed, feeling a pang of guilt gnawing at my conscience. "Alright, alright. I was—" I started, raising my hands in surrender, but once again, she interrupted me.

"Idiotic? Utterly stupid? Dumb as fuck?" she interjected, her eyes narrowing in disdain. "Yeah, I know," she added with a roll of her eyes.

I couldn't help but feel a surge of frustration rising within me at her harsh words. "Why are you so mean?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

"Because my debut is in a month, and half of my month will be spent with me healing!" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with frustration. "Plus, I'll have to practice twice as hard to get back to the level I was before. Maybe even thrice!"

I felt a wave of shame wash over me, my earlier annoyance melting away to reveal the raw remorse that lay beneath. "Sorry," I whispered, my voice barely audible as I hung my head in shame.

"Whatever, it's fine," she mumbled dismissively, her attention already drifting back to her book. And as the silence settled over us once again, I couldn't help but feel a sense of regret weighing heavily on my heart.



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