50. of first dates and men

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"I almost thought I wasn't gonna make it." You admit, placing your arm on Matt's, an action that has become a habit of yours when you two were by yourselves. "Mahoney opened an active investigation, and blah blah blah."

"I feel like you're leaving all the juicy details out." Matt turns his head to your side, smiling. There's an easiness in his step, maybe he feels lighter, maybe it's because you're finally here with him after a long, lonely day in the office; maybe it's because he's so in love that it all seems silly to him.

"Don't be so greedy, Murdock." You slightly nudge his side, spotting the diner that you chose for your date. Far away from the office and Karen, and Foggy, far away from the people you might know. The street you're both walking appears rather noisy, kids kicking around a ball, music playing loudly in someone's house, an old man with a questionable taste in hats is selling tacos, and two girls are arguing at someone's doorstep.

"It's hard to not be when I'm with you." He replies, tuning out the surrounding noise.

You bite away a smile, squeezing his forearm affectionately; upon entering the diner, you're amazed by all the decorations, light bulbs in different colored jars hanging from one wall to another, the big lights dimmed to create a pleasant and cozy atmosphere for the evening, and pleasant soft music playing from the speakers. "Well, we're here."

Matt takes a deep breath, "Smells nice."

You choose the table in the farthest corner, hanging your coat on the chair, and finally sit down. Your feet were already sore from walking on the job in heels the whole day, running from one office to another in the station, but you refused to wear something more comfortable this evening; your dark red silk dress was made to be paired with the black stiletto heels.

"Ever played truth or dare?" You ask, cutting your steak. Matt's knife stops and he turns his head to the side, thinking. It was cute how he always tilted his head like a confused dog, as if the action somehow cleared his confusion.

"Uhh, no, I don't think so. Why?" He asks softly. You two have been chatting this and that while waiting for food, so now you wanted to keep the conversation going.

"You... Wanna play?" You bite your lip anxiously, waiting for him to turn down your suggestion and call it childish. "If you don't want, that's okay... I'm just suggesting."

"Yeah, alright, why not?" He chews his salad, thinking for a moment. "When's the last time you played this?"

"Uh... Probably during the last spring break in high school." You chuckle. "Someone dared me to steal handcuffs from my dad."

"Did you?"

"Obviously... Just haven't yet told him that it was me."

Matt smiles, biting the inside of his cheek, and you can't help but look at the way he pokes his tongue out to lick his lips. "Now, I'm not that surprised you agreed to break into Melissa's house."

"Oh, are you throwing shade on me, Murdock?" You exaggerate your fake gasp and grab your chest. The way your fingers slide on your silk dress, makes Matt suck in a sharp breath.

"I'm just, making an assumption... A very late one, too." He nervously fixes his glasses again. "Okay, so, truth or dare?" He leans forward, catching a whiff of your perfume, and picks up the fork once more.

"Let's begin with truth."

"Oh, safe choice, alright. When was your last serious relationship?"

"Checking your chances or...?" You laugh with Matt, but then get a bit more serious. "Well, I only had two of those. One was obviously Robert. Then there was another guy. And after him, I briefly got back with Robert again, but it wasn't serious that second time with him. I wasn't the same person he knew." You take a sip of your wine, continuing, "so yeah, that was at least nine years ago."

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