chapter 3

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Seonghi's pov
My plan to bring Kim down is turning out well, slowly but well, i said as i arrive at my company and get down from my car and get into the building as all my employees bow to me like a queen as i pass and i love the respect i have put in this company so proud of myself.

" good morning president baek, your meeting with mr park of Namsoon estates is in a few minutes "
" good morning and i knew i could count on you harin " i say with a grin as we both enter my office.
" let him into my office now "
" yes president " she said as i rest my head back on the chair and smile again as i see myself already going to have him wrapped around my fingers.

" president baek, this is mr park of Namsoon estates "
" have a seat mr park, welcome to Dove we are really thrilled to have you here, would you like anything " i say as i put a fake smile and act cheerful which is making me want to puke
" thank you ms baek and coffee will be fine " he says as he returns the smile and we shake hands.
" harin, please bring two coffee's "
" yes president "
" please mr park have a seat " i say and as if on que harin came in with the coffee.
" thank you harin "
" hmm " she says as she leaves and i take a sip of the warm and sweet coffee.
" so ms baek, i would like to know why you invited me "
" yes mr park, i would like to make a request " i say and start that long presentation i prepared
" and that is how we will benefit you more than haneul, we offer a 50-50 trade "
" you have convinced me ms baek, i hope we enjoy our work together "
" thank you mr park the pleasure is mine " i say and bow to the older man infront of me.

Mr park's pov
I am really convinced with the way the young lady played it out and i am going to work with her instead of haneul.
" hello, mr kim "
" mr park when do you think, we should start "
" i am sorry mr kim but i will not be working with haneul but with dove, i have been convinced by them " i say and cut the call and get into my car.

Taehyung's pov
After the call with mr park i throw my phone on the floor with anger and call in mr lee.
" how come mr park is now working for dove " i say with anger
" sir i am not- "
" one job lee, one job and you failed do you know how much of a good deal that was " i finally yell
" y-yes sir "
" how do you expect me to trust you now "
" i-i will tr-"
" forget it, just get out of my office " i say out of annoyance and start to rub my temples angrily, baek seonghi you want to play dirty games then we will play i smirk and pull out my laptop and start to look up who could be her next potential clients could be but all i see is mr park and that angers me one thing i hate is failure and that is happening right now slowly, that was a good deal and she somehow got up to be her client, i must say i underestimated her but that does not mean i will let her walk all over me. Now let's think of potential ways to make her fall.

Seonghi' pov
I am so happy i got that hot deal and i am ahead of haneul a bit but that does not mean i will stop now, i still have a long way to go and can't stop now.
" president baek, you have have a lunch meeting with your friend at 2:30pm and after that another meeting with ms yang and mr im by 5pm and that will be all for the day "
" ok thank you harin but i have some uncompleted files for you to complete " i said handing her a pile of files on my desk
" okay president and when will you need them "
" 6pm "
" ok president baek " she says and leaves the office as i pick my stuff and head to my car and drive to the cafe leiling said we should meet up in.
" hi bae " she says and gives me a hug and i pat her back
" hi, how are you doing "
" i am good, how is work "
" great, i just stole one of his important clients "
" so that means it will boost you "
" happy for you bae "
" so how is work "
" agh, same old yelling and stress but its good because of soo-min "
" wait you actually still like that guy " i asked with surprise and disgust at the same time
" what is wrong with him, he is hot and handsome "
" ( clear throat ) and that attracts women, hope you know he is a fuckboy right "
" i know and i am still trying to get over him "
" ling he is not right for you forget that motherfucker and focus on yourself, i am sure you will find yourself a better guy, you know you are a hot bitch " she giggles at my statement
" thank you for not judging me for being pathetic "
" you are not pathetic you are dumb for still liking him " i say as she rolls her eyes
" and she is back again, you will never change "
" and i don't intend to "
" hmmm, ok lets order "
" hmmm " .

Back at office
" now both of you see how this will work better for us and we will get more international clients "
" yes president baek " mr im says
" well i am impressed with how you did it in a short period of time, keep it up "
" thank you president baek " he says as they bow and i leave their work space.

A/n: ok so i still feel bad about not updating on time so let me add an extra chap to it. love you all take care and thanks for your support once again, i can't believe i have up to 100 reads already thank you so much(*^3^)/~♡(*^3^)/~♡(' ω '♡)(' ω '♡)

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