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So as I read more and more about this man, I changed my tune from "God dammit, Loki" to "God dammit, Odin" because the pattern of behavior I have picked up from this man alone...

So Odin, Seeker of Knowledge. He is a central figure in Norse mythology that somehow made its way into pop culture outside of Marvel, which includes some recent installments in the Assassin's Creed series. But who is he?

Odin is the ruler of the tribe of deities known as the Aesir, but more often than not found in solitary seeking out, you guessed it, knowledge and sometimes giving it. He has affiliations with warfare, poetry, and divine inspiration. Often depicted with his ravens. Hugin and Munin ( Thought and Memory), two wolves named Geri and Freki, and an eight legged horsed named Sleipnir.  And that's just the basic overview. This man has a lot of titles and names, to the point I'm starting to think he's the reason why we have that "Hero lists all their names and titles" cliche. 

Odin had his hand in many stories. In an earlier chapter, I talked about how he made a deal with a giant that promised him ( the giant) the sun, moon, and Freya. Obviously, it didn't happen. One story explains why he's missing an eye, something that consist in all media interpretations of him. In the story titled "Odin and Mimir's Head" ( a bit on the nose), Odin is on one of his many journeys for knowledge when he hears about this well under the Yggdrasil Tree. Mimir is the owner/guardian of the well  is apparently older than Odin himself. Many sought this god out for his wisdom and counsel. Mimir asked for something of Odin's in return for permission to drink from the well and Odin gave up his eye. Odin, after being enlightened by his shot of wisdom water, decided to take Mimir's head in order to continue to receive enlightenment and counsel...could have just asked...or called. 

Why? Well most historians point to Ragnarok. Odin seeking the wisdom to fully understand the impending demise of the gods is a great motivator to study( joking...sort of). So who wants to hear some stories about his competitive streak?

So on one occasion he challenged a giant named, and I pray auto- correct doesn't change this, Vafthruthnir to a trivia contest to see who is smarter. Loser looses their life. Odin holds his own, seeing how a lot of the stuff he was being asked about he was involved in, in some shape or form( metaphorically and literally). So then Odin whips out the one question no one seems to know the answer to...What did Odin whisper into Baldr's ear at his funeral? And when I tell you the giant was too stunned to speak, because the only person that would know is Odin. Is it cheating? Probably. 

Another incident, and that is probably the best word for it, involves his wife. You know the gods would sometimes pop up on the mortals as "not a god". Him and Frigg were comparing mortals and they get stuck on this guy named Geirroth, who Frigg said tortures people for sneezing the wrong way. Odin was like "Cap." and disguised himself as "Not Odin" and went to see for himself only to be captured. And to be fair, Frigg decided not to play fair and sent someone to say that an evil wizard was stopping to curse him or something. This lead to Odin being captured and tortured. It wasn't all bad, seeing how Gerroth's son, Agnarr stopped by and gave him water every now and then. In returned, Odin told him how the world work. After a while, Odin broke himself out, and named Agnarr king. 

Now Odin is involved in a lot more stories, but this is just a summary after all. He's one of the many Norse deities that made their into pop culture, who's stories are still a mystery to many. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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