Ra and the beginning of Egypt

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So as you know all of January is dedicated to creation myths. But Ra's story is the creation myth...sort of. It's basically the origin of Egypt and possibly one of the most well known gods in Egypt besides Osiris.

Also quick side note: This is only one of the creation myths from Egypt. There are four( counting this one) and each one credit a different god. It think it's a regional reason, due to different gods being more important in said region. I don't know....This is just the one I found so entertaining.

So in the beginning there is Nun, the primal ocean of chaos which contained the seeds of everything to come. Then Ra decided to fight his way out. He then proceeded to give birth to Shu and Tefnut by himself( though I'm not sure who he is. Probably Nun, but it is more likely to be Ra.) Shu, the god of air, and Tefnut , the goddess of moisture, gave birth to Geb and Nut, the earth god and sky goddess. Thus the physical universe was created.
Man was later created by Ra's tears, I just want to know who made this god cry. And before I move on, the gods had human forms, so they aged just like the rest of us. So ra grew a bit...senile. And man stopped worshipping him as a result and possibly wanted the god dead. Ra found out, literally after his power began to weaken. So he called a council of the gods, though in some versions he went to his father, Nun. They were like"Kill them". Points for efficiency, so they sent Hathor who dwindled the numbers down to a few hundred, more or less, and Ra said "Screw this." and retire leaving Shu in his place to rule. But before he left Ra was like "Geb and Nut is not to marry. Understand?"

But we all know how this plays, they're teenagers..so to speak. So Geb and Nut marry and Ra was pissed. Ra was like "Shu I order you to separate them..permanently"Which he does, taking Nut aloft, but she was pregnant. Ra may have met Hera, or atleast DMing her, because of what happens next. Ra was all like "You can give birth....just not in any of the months of the year." And we all know that nothing will stop a baby from coming. Thoth, god of thinking, gambled with the moon for extra light and thus was able to add five extra days to the official Egyptian calendar of 360 days, that way Nut was able to give birth. And on those five days, she gave birth to Osiris, Horus the Elder, Set, Isis, and Nephthys, successively.

Now there are different versions of this, or different incarnations of the gods, not sure. This was very entertaining on my part. And I actually managed to keep it under 500 words.

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