Chapter Fifteen: Trial

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(Enjoy this mushy filler chapter!)

Alessia felt something trace along her cheek as she mumbled softly.
"Come my lady. It's time to wake up." Lillen's voice spoke as Alessia smiled and looked up. Seeing the dark eyes watching her as she shifted a little. The older woman still had her arms wrapped around her from sleeping.
"Five more minutes?" Alessia asked. Hearing a soft sigh from Lillen as she was smiling softly at her. Hearing the tent door flap open as Jane came in. She was about to speak and then spotted them.
"About time!" Jane spoke as Alessia blushed.
"I know." Lillen spoke. Alessia finally sat up and stretched her arms above her head with a yawn.
"So, who did it?" Jane asked while sitting down.
"What do you mean?" Alessia asked. She didn't hear any other voices. "Where did the others go?" She then asked.
"Lanfear and Lews took the man to the black Tower. Ishamael had a task to do. It's just us three for the time being." Jane replied.
"Damn. We got left behind." Alessia spoke with a small chuckle. Jane had smiled at this.
"So, my question." Jane then spoke.
"I did." Lillen replied. "I cornered her in here." Lillen added as Alessia nodded her head.
"Glad you took my advice." Jane smirked.
"It was good advice." Alessia spoke. Seeing both of them look at her.
"How did you?" Jane began to ask.
"You both weren't exactly quiet." Alessia spoke while brushing her hair out.
"You are more observant than I thought." Jane spoke while crossing her arms.
"I hear things in the Tower that others miss." Alessia spoke.
"So, you admit to eavesdropping on us?" Jane asked.
"Going to give me the switch?" Alessia asked. Jane rolled her eyes and shook her head.
"You need to be more careful." Jane said.
"Oh I am. You would have never known until I told you." Alessia smirked.
"How many other conversations have you overheard?" Lillen asked.
"A lot." Alessia frowned at this. "I do not know who this master is, but I am not going to get involved with it." Alessia added. Seeing Lillen frown while looking at Jane.
"How long have you known?" Jane asked.
"A long time now." Alessia spoke. Feeling Lillen take her hand and squeeze it. "Look. It's not my place on what you all do. As long as you are both safe and happy." Alessia spoke.
"You weren't supposed to know." Jane spoke. Alessia raised a brow at this.
"Know about what?" She then asked her friend.
"Never mind then." Jane added. Lillen rested her head on Alessia's shoulder now.
"I can't wait to become an Aes Sedai." Alessia spoke with a soft sigh.
"You'll get there." Jane spoke with a smile. "Come along you two, breakfast is ready."

Jane added as Alessia nodded her head with a smile. She followed Jane out of the tent as Lillen was the last to come out. She took a seat on the log near the fire.
"So, what do we do now?" Alessia asked while taking a plate that had eggs and bacon on it.
"We wait. Listen for more in the forest." Jane spoke.
"You remember when we used to dance around that pond?" Alessia asked as Jane smiled at this.
"A memory you two share?" Lillen asked as Alessia nodded.
"We would pretend we were Aes Sedai and danced around a pond like we were weaving." Jane spoke with a chuckle.
"I wish I could show you." Alessia spoke as she leaned against Lillen.
"Maybe someday." Lillen replied.
"Can I go out in the forest and look around?" Alessia asked.
"I suppose. I don't see the harm in that." Jane spoke as she was eating.
"I'll go with you." Lillen spoke. "No one should go anywhere alone." Lillen added.
"Don't do anything I wouldn't do." Jane smirked. Alessia blushed at this and felt her stomach have butterflies. Feeling a hand upon her knee, she looked at Lillen who was smiling at her before going back to her food. Of course, she had forgotten. Lillen can feel everything she felt as well now. She finished her food and took all the dishes to the bucket and began to clean them.
"I'm going to nap. Shout if anything happens." Jane spoke as they nodded. She had finished not long after Jane had turned in for a nap. She felt a pair of arms snake around her waist from behind. Alessia blushed and leaned back a little.
"Hello." Alessia spoke softly. Turning around in Lillen's arms. Kissing her cheek as Lillen smiled.
"Come. Let's go on that walk you wanted." Lillen spoke. Taking Alessia's hand into her own as she followed. Hearing a river nearby as she smiled. Rushing towards it and stopping. Seeing it was shallow. She took her boots and socks off. Wading into the water. She turned and saw Lillen watching her with a smile she hadn't seen before.
"What is it?" Alessia asked.
"Just like that dream a while back." Lillen spoke. Alessia stopped and gave her a curious look.
"How do you know about my dream?" Alessia asked. She waded back over and sat down on a large rock.
"I was there, remember?" Lillen asked as she sat next to her.
"Lillen. They were just dreams." Alessia spoke. Feeling a hand on her knee now.
"Were they now?" Lillen asked with a smirk. "Lanfear said dreams have power. You never heard of the Tel'aran'rhiod?" Lillen asked.
"The te'ara what?" Alessia asked with a confused look.
"Tel'aran'rhiod. The dream world. Parallel to ours. Everything that happens in it, is real." Lillen spoke.
"Wait. So you are saying we cuddled for real in my dream?" Alessia asked. Lillen nodded her head before resting her chin on her shoulder. "So, you are saying no matter where I am or go, you can enter my dreams?" Alessia then asked. Lillen nodded her head.
"Yes. It can also help our bond grow." Lillen added.
"Can anyone do it?" Alessia asked.
"No. It takes talent and a lot of understanding on how to do it." Lillen spoke.
"Then, how was I able to see you?" Alessia asked.
"Well, I assume you met someone before I came into your dreams." Lillen spoke as she was now watching Alessia carefully. She felt uneasy. "I can feel you Alessia. Tell me. What happened before I showed?" Lillen asked.

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