Chapter 10

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Here's an extra long chapter for being gone for so long. I am so sorry not posting anything!.


For the rest of the week, Atsumu ignored Kiyoomi and avoided him as much as possible, which was difficult to do.

He'd stay away from him during practice and even make excuses on why he couldn't go out drinking anytime Hinata and Bokuto asked. Slowly, both Hinata and Bokuto became suspicious of the blond.

Sakusa would always steal glances and catch himself staring at Atsumu. Though his expression was never hostile.

Now, it was two weeks later, and a Friday, no volleyball games. They basically had a free day after their practice.

"'Tsum-Tsum!" The owl head calls, jogging over to Atsumu as he starts leaving the building after practice. He stops, turning around. "What's up?" Raising a brow he questions, "Wanna go out with me, Akgaashi, Kuroo, Kenma, and Hinata?" Bokuto has a grin on his face, hoping the blond agrees for once.

"Mm..." Atsumu hummed as he looked to the ground, "You okay 'Tsumu?" Bokuto tilted his head, attempting to understand the blonds almost guilty expression.

'I really do need a day to have a break from everythin' and I guess 'm pushin' em away lately...' Sighing, he replies, "Where are ya gonna go?"

Brightening the owl heads mood, he listens for an answer, quietly hoping it won't be at a certain bar where he'd see a certain curly black haired person that wears a mask  and has two moles above his eyebrow works.

"We're going to that new karaoke-arcade place!" He states happily.

"Ah okay gotcha." Bokuto watches the blonds features as he looks to the sky, speaking again, "Guess 'm gonna go with ya guys.." He hesitates for a moment.

Before he knew it, he got grabbed by big, muscular arms, "YES! See you later 'Tsum-Tsum!"

Then he lets go, jogging off to his car, though he yells something back.

"Meet at the karaoke place!" Then he got into his car.

"What did I put myself into..." Atsumu mumbles to himself while he closes his eyes.

Now, he was standing in front of the karaoke-arcade place, his hair still partly damp from his shower. He was wearing an orange knitted sweater over top of a white button up shirt, black ripped jeans, and white running shoes.

Checking his phone, Atsumu reads the time, "7:00 pm," he looks at the door, pausing before going through.

Finally, Atsumu opens the door and steps through the doorway.

Looking around, it's an arcade full of games, prizes, a couple food stalls with tables, and a hallway that's labelled with a bright sign saying; 'Karaoke'. The whole place had neon colours on black. Pink and black walls, a black floor with mixed neon colour designs.

Atsumu stood in the doorway, shock scribbles all over his face. Extremely obvious. As he looked around, he spotted his friends.

"Tsumu! You made it!" Hinata calls, jumping up and down alongside Bokuto.

"Ahaha... Hey guys." He mumbles loud enough it's audible. Atsumu has an awkward smile as he rubs the back of his neck, walking over to the group. They stood next to a racing game that Kuroo was playing.

"Yes!" Kuroo suddenly yelled, startling everyone. "I won!" He yelled again, "Oh good job Kuroo." Atsumu says full of surprise, mainly because Kuroo lost almost every time he attempted one of the racing games.

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