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A/n: first time writing a story about my oc's sorry if it's bad😭

Elianor's pov:
Eli was ecstatic she finally had a girlfriend!
"Eli, Eli hun the waitress is here!"her girlfriend said "what? Oh! I'm so-so-so sorry." The waitress laughed "Oh no it's fine, what drink would you like?" "Umm...I'll take a Shirley temple." "Alright and you?" "I'll have a green tea." "Okay, I'll be back with your drinks." "Thank you!" Lyra called after her, 'I love that woman so much.' I thought. After awhile the waitress returned with their drinks, "here's one Shirley temple," she said placing my drink infront of me "and a green tea." She said before cluelessly walking away from us not knowing who I am 'Ooo she'd be an easy target sadly I'm not hired to kill her.' *sigh* "What's wrong honey?" "Hm? Oh,nothing." I said fiddling around with my glass, "You sure?" "Yup." "M'kay." I smiled at Lyra before taking a sip of my drink, something tasted kinda strange, I decided to ignore it.

That was the worst mistake she ever made in her life, sadly she didn't know that yet.

A few minutes later I got a strange pain in my stomach, my smile tightened, Lyra noticed " Are you okay love?" "Yes I'm feeling wonderful dear!" That only made Lyra more concerned " Are you sure? You look pale." "Ye-" *cough*, flecks of blood landed on the table. "Shit." Was all I said before everything went black.

A/n: Woo-hoo first part done!

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