Chapter 6

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Elianor's pov:

As I rushed Angel over to the spa that we managed to convince Charlie to install, it was surprisingly easy. He seemed surprised that it was already installed "How it get installed so quickly?" "Oh Luci helped install it with magic." I replied casually "Now stop asking questions and sit down."

When Lyra came back with the stuff:

"Hey love, I'm sorry it took a little longer than expected." "It's okay we got to have a little bonding time!" "Yeah this bitch ain't that bad!" "Hey!" Lyra giggles "Alright you two let's get this spa night started." I grabbed the pyjamas and put them in front of Angel "Change in the private room, and then we can continue. K?" "Mkay toots." He said before walking away, "Lyra sit I'm removing your makeup." *sigh* "Fine."

When Anthony is back after changing:

"Ooo you're done, now sit, sit!" "Okay no need to be so harsh love." Lyra reminded me "Right, right sorry I'm just so excited!!" "I know dear." "Okay An, let's remove your makeup, first!"

After removing his makeup (I'm sorry for all the time skips:(

"Done! Now FACE MASK TIME!!!!" I yelled super excited "Love quite down your gonna wake up the others." "Right sorry." I said while grabbing the face mask container, " 'Kay An here you first I'm gonna grab some drinks, not alcohol." "Mkay toots." I walked away knowing that Anthony would want a lemonade so I decided to make some.

After she made the lemonade:

"I'm back!" I called out whilst carrying three glasses and a pitcher of lemonade, Lyra turned around having just finished applying her face mask and immediately walked over to me and grabbed the pitcher and carrying it for me. "Thank you Dear." "No problem love." I found a table nearby and placed the glasses on it, Lyra put the pitcher on the table next to them. I immediately picked up the lemonade and poured it into the glasses before giving the to Lyra and Anthony. "Here's your drinks." "Thank you love." "Thanks Eli." "No problem." I said whilst sitting and grabbing the face mask and applicator. "So the cucumbers are over there?" I asked Lyra before beginning to apply the face mask, "Yes." "Alright."

After she finished applying the mask:

We started chatting about how our lives were, it was fun we all grew close. Soon it was time to peel the masks off it hurt a lot but still hilarious seeing Lyra's reaction to the pain she started squealing like fat nuggets. After that we went to the lobby and chatted before checking the time and calling it a night.

A/n: sorry this took so long I was sick but I got better just didn't have the motivation to make this chapter😞

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