Chapter 5

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Lyra's pov:

"This is Husk, he's our bartender." Charlie said before pointing at a short cyclops "This is Niffty, she's our maid." Niffty waved before running off saying something about "stabbing the bugs." Strange but who am I to judge I kill for fun. "This is Vaggie our guard and my girlfriend!" When out of nowhere a man with red hair and deer ears, he had an eerie feeling to him 'I don't like him.' 'I don't either.' Eli responded 'wait didn't I think that?' 'Wait you did!?' "Hello? Eli? Lyra? Are you paying attention?" "Hmm? Oh yes dear we are." I responded

A week later:

Eli and I were in the main lobby just chatting when Angel came back from his work and well let's just say we looked awful nobody else was down there so they decided to take care of him. "Hey Angel you ok?" "Yes I'm fine." "I don't think you are..." "Please let us spoil you." Eli said 'well that's one way to say it.' 'Well it's true!' 'Never said it wasn't.' 'Actually you haven't been saying anything.' 'YOU HAVEN'T EITHER!' 'Ik don't be so loud.' All this happened while Angel was thinking over their offer "Sure whatever you can spoil me." "Really? YAYAYAYYAY you're gonna have the best time ever!" "Sure sure, whatever toots." 'Oh you don't know what you signed yourself up for.' 'Hm? Don't worry about him he'll be fine, actually better than ever!' 'Whatever you think babe.' 'Now please get the skin care (yes I know he's fluffy but let's pretend), nail polish, some fruit, other snacks, his pj's and the makeup remover?' 'Sure no problem dear.' 'Thank you!!'

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