Discharged : Avoid distractions

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As the two weeks came to an end, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me. Finally, I could put this whole ordeal behind me and get back to my normal routine. Y/N and I had managed to survive our time as hospital roommates, but that didn't mean our bickering had come to an end.

As we gathered our things and prepared to leave the room, there was an undeniable tension between us. We both knew that the moment we stepped outside, it would be back to business as usual – the constant sniping and sarcasm that had become our trademark, was coming to an end. We would ignore and avoid each other at all costs.

"Are you two still... fighting?" PD-nim asked, raising an eyebrow as he observed the scene before him.

"Yes. We always will," Y/N declared with a firm nod, her expression unyielding.

"Yeah. For the first time I agree with her," I chimed in, unable to resist the urge to add my own two cents to the conversation.

"Oh, please. I'm always right, if you had two brain cells you would always agree with me," Y/N shot back, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her retort, finding myself strangely amused by her quick wit and fiery personality. Despite our constant clashes, there was something undeniably entertaining about the way she reacted to my jabs and jibes.

"Before talking about brain cells you should get some," I retorted, unable to resist the opportunity to fire back.

The tension between us was palpable as we exchanged barbs, each word dripping with sarcasm and disdain. It was a familiar dance – one that we had perfected over the past two weeks – and neither of us showed any signs of backing down.

"Alright, let's get going..." Taehyung interjected, his voice tinged with awkwardness as he attempted to diffuse the situation. He reached out and pulled me away from Y/N, breaking the invisible barrier that had formed between us.

I shot one last glance at Y/N over my shoulder, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips. Despite our differences, there was something undeniably amusing about our interactions – something that I couldn't quite put my finger on.

As I stepped out of the hospital and into the familiar surroundings of home, a sense of relief washed over me. Finally, I was free from the confines of that hospital room and could get back to doing what I loved – singing, dancing, and being surrounded by my members.

But as I settled back into my routine, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing. Despite all the bickering and banter, there was a strange sense of emptiness now that Y/N was no longer by my side. It was as if a part of me had grown accustomed to her presence – her fiery personality, her quick wit, her unwavering determination.

I found myself replaying our interactions in my mind, unable to shake the memory of the way she had responded to my jabs and jokes. There was something captivating about the way she spoke – knowledgeable yet passionate, fierce yet witty. It was as if she knew exactly what to say, how to push my buttons and keep me on my toes.

And then there was her sense of humor – dry, sarcastic, and utterly infectious. Even in the most mundane moments, she had managed to find a way to make me laugh, to lighten the mood and ease the tension between us.

As I reflected on our time together, I couldn't help but admit that I had grown fond of her in a strange sort of way. Despite our constant clashes, there was an undeniable chemistry between us – a connection that I couldn't quite explain.

But as much as I enjoyed her company, I knew that I needed to focus on my career and my responsibilities as an idol. Y/N may have added a certain excitement to my life, but she was also a distraction – one that I couldn't afford to indulge in.

And as I sat alone in my room, the memories of the past two weeks with Y/N flooded my mind, each moment etched into my memory with vivid clarity. Despite the amusement and occasional camaraderie we shared, I knew deep down that there were countless reasons why I should avoid her at all costs.

First and foremost was the fact that she was a constant source of distraction – her presence alone enough to derail my focus and disrupt my routines. As an idol with a demanding schedule and responsibilities, I couldn't afford to let anything or anyone interfere with my work. Y/N had a way of pulling me away from my goals, leading me down paths of procrastination and procrastination.

Furthermore, there was the undeniable tension between us – a simmering undercurrent of animosity that threatened to boil over at any moment. Our constant bickering and banter may have been amusing at times, but it also created an atmosphere of tension and discomfort that I found exhausting to navigate.

And then there was the matter of her unpredictable nature – her fiery temper and quick wit making her a formidable opponent in any argument. I never knew what to expect from her, and that uncertainty left me on edge, always wary of what she might say or do next.

But perhaps the most compelling reason to avoid Y/N was the simple fact that she was a reminder of my own shortcomings and mistakes. The way I had misjudged her, accused her of being a stalker, and landed us both in the hospital was a testament to my own foolishness and impulsiveness.

In the end, I knew that distancing myself from Y/N was the only logical course of action. As much as I may have enjoyed her company and appreciated her unique personality, I couldn't afford to let my emotions cloud my judgment. I had a career to focus on, goals to achieve, and a reputation to uphold – and Y/N was nothing more than a distraction standing in my way.



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