Chapter 1: The Big Bang

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In Israel, two people are fleeing from a group of men. They are speeding down a winding road through a desert. The man driving the car is doing his best to keep the car on the road and the men at bay. His pregnant wife is sitting next to him, due any day now is holding on for dear life. A gunshot is heard as the back window breaks, as the woman begins to pray. The man joins in as he takes a turn way to fast. Another gunshot is heard, and this time, the sound of a tire blowing out is heard. The car yanks to the right and flies off the road and down a cliff. The car flips and rolls and bounces down the cliff until it settles in a cloud of smoke and dust on its roof. The man struggles in his seatbelt as he hangs upside-down. Desperately, he tries to free himself and reach his wife, to no avail.

"Are you ok," he says to his wife. In a soft voice she says,

"Yes, I'm ok." He looks at her bloody face and begins to cry as he apologies to her.

"I'm sorry I brought you here and got you into this, If I could do it all over again, we would still be home in our house waiting for our baby to come but no, I had to drag you out here, trying to make a name for us!

WHY!" He screamed.

Before he could go on, she put her bloody finger to his lips to hush him. "You didn't drag me anywhere, and I would rather die here with you and our baby than spend one more day under the thumb of our parents.

We took our shot, and we lost. BUT! We tried. And we lived and will die our way in love together forever. Now, no regrets! Hold my hand as the end comes! They can take our lives, but not our love!" and she reached over and kissed his blood-soaked lips with hers.

By this time, the group of men had made their way down the cliff to the overturned car. Reaching into the car, they ripped both people out and threw them on the ground in front of the car. Holding hands, the couple closed their eyes as the men shot them both in the face and left them there for the animals. A few hours later a man in a black car stopped at the bottom of the cliff where the accident had happened. He walked over to the car, kicked the dead man in the face, and then turned to the woman. He kicked her too, then pulled out his cell, called a person, and said,

"Yup, they are both dead." As he got ready to leave, he heard something move. He walked back over, bent down, and saw the woman had giving birth to a baby girl. He said, "This wasn't part of the deal," and began to walk away. He stopped, turned back, cut the baby's cord, took the baby, and got in his car. A sticker on the side of the car said Nusi Park, so he said to the baby, "This will be your name." He drove off and was never heard from again in those parts. 

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