Chapter 4: Unlikely Friend

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The news of the fight spread, and it was the talk of the town for a few days, but like everything in life something else took its place.

Nusi dragged herself to the Pop Shop that first week, and hap-heartedly did her work. Mr. Lee, always having to go behind her and redo what she had done. Finally, Mr. Lee had had enough.

"Nusi," Mr. Lee called for her. "NUSI!" He called again. "COME HERE!" Letting the mop drop, as it pulled the bucket over spilling the mop water, Nusi walked to Mr. Lee without even looking back.

"Yes." She said, while looking at the floor.

"Sit!" Mr. Lee said. Nusi flopped into the chair and sighed. "Why are you here Nusi?" Mr. Lee said. "Because your uncle made you come here, and you had no choice?" Nusi looked down at the floor.

"Do you think its easy for him having to apologize each time you get into trouble?" Mr. Lee said. "LOOK AT ME!" Mr. Lee commanded. "The floor isn't going to give you the answers you are looking for. LOOK AT ME I SAID!" Mr. Lee said in a voice that made Nusi jump. Shaking his head, Mr. Lees face turned a shade of red that would have scared the meanest dog away. "Your uncle never asks a thing from you! He works day and night for you, never once complaining! Cooks and cleans for you! Never once thinking of himself! Always cleaning up your messes! And all you can do is sit there and look at the floor. HAVE YOU NO SHAME!" Mr. Lee shouted at Nusi. Tears started to roll down her face. "TOO LATE FOR TEARS!"

Mr. Lee shouted, as he slammed his fist on the desk. "I let you come here and work off your debt as a favor to your uncle, not because of the money! I thought maybe I could help get you on the right track before you really got into trouble! I see now I was wrong!" Mr. Lee said. "You can go, and I will tell your uncle nothing! I will call him when it's time and tell him you worked off your debt! YES! I WILL LIE TO SAVE YOUR UNCLE THE SHAME YOU BRING ON HIM! NOW GO!! AND NEVER COME BACK HERE AGAIN!!" Mr. Lee shouted as he pointed towards the door.

Nusi, shaking and full-on crying at this point, raised her head, looked at the door and then back at Mr. Lee. In a small voice, almost a whisper, she said. "No one told me."

Mr. Lee, whose face was still red, looked down at her and said, "TOLD YOU WHAT! WELL, COME ON, TOLD YOU WHAT!" He said in a growl.

Nusi looked him straight in the eyes and said in that same small little whisper, "how does it-"

but before she could finish a wave of emotions rushed over her. It was like a damn had burst in her very soul. She jumped from her seat and flung her arms around the old man's neck hanging on for dear life. Screaming and crying, Nusi poured her heart out to Mr. Lee. All her fears, failures, hopes and dreams. As she revealed it all to Mr. Lee, he just sat there and thought to himself what a shame it was that he couldn't understand a thing she was saying with all that crying and screaming she was doing. A little smile crept onto his face as he sat there listening and patting her on her back. From that moment on things were different between the two. Mr. Lee never knew what she had said, and he never let her know he didn't. After what seemed like an eternity to Mr. Lee, he pushed Nusi back, looked into her eyes and said,

"Are we good?" With a nod, she smiled as she wiped the tears from her face. "Back to work!" Mr. Lee said to her. With eyes wide, and a surprised look on her face, she said,

"YES SIR!" As she saluted him and ran to where the mop bucket had spilled.

"SLOW DOWN!" he shouted to her with a smile, "WE HAVE ALL DAY." With a quick turn, Nusi shouted back,

"THAT MESS WONT CLEAN UP ITSELF!" And in a whisper, she said, "Thank you Mr. Lee." He smiled and nodded. From that day on, Mr. Lees Pop Shop was the cleanest, friendliest Pop Shop that small town had ever seen.

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